The Phoenix is rising. The green Earth is reasserting itself. After one Storm, another is there to take its place.
Ted knows, Liz knows, now, what to do, with the world, with themselves. They've been wandering for so long, wondering what to do with their lives. Now they know.
Now, the Twilight Storm is here.
From the desert, from the ruins of the city called Las Vegas the Phoenix is rising. Phoenix Green Earth, a radical environmental movement is founded, a belief spreading like wildfire among the modern civilization's outcasts, disgruntled rebels hungry for freedom, for life, for a reckoning, a fundamental belief telling them that the present-day world is wrong. They know and have done so for a long time, and now, finally they are, they all are, ready to act on that belief, to correct all injustice, all the wrongs, everything screwed up in the world, come what may.
So, they leave their homes, leave their semblance of a life, becoming wanderers, joining all the others out there, on the move, on the Freedom Road. They start living and awaken slowly from their long slumber, from humanity's long slumber... and the world awakens with them.