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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1906 edition. Excerpt: ... place atelv aur al' Y INDEX I SUBJECTS Aditya, 115. See also sun. agnihotram, 63, 124 f., 375. agni Vais'vanara, 375. ahara brahrna asvii, 39. ahankara, 241 ff., 248, 261, 264. akas-a, 151 f., 194, 401 f.; as symbol of Brahman, 111 ff., 118. ananda, 126 f., 156; as symbol of Brahman, 140 ff. anandamaya atman, 97 f., 144 f., 283. Anaximander, 225. angas of the yoga, 385 f. annamaya atman, 97, 144, 146. antaryamin, 108, 119, 169, 174, 206 f., 211. apana, 264, 275 ff. Aranyaka, 2 ff., 120, 396. Aristotle, 99, 189, 255. ilsanam, 387 f. asceticism, 61,65-70,373. See also tapas. as'ramas, 4, 60 f., 367 ff., 373 f. astronomical conceptions, 218 f. as-vamedha, 121. as-vattha, 203. Atharva Upanishads, 7 ff., 26. atheism, 238, 407. atman, 14f.,38f., 79,82,108,152,157ff., 172 ff., 235 ff., 342 ft'., 305 ff., 373 f., 396 ff., 402 ff.; the atman as first principle, 86 f.; different atmans, 94 ff.; the atman and the creation, 182 ff.; the atman and the organs, 265 ff. See also Brahman. Badarayana, 27 ff., 54, 100, 180, 184, 192, 220 f., 317. Bahudaka, 377, 379. Balaki Gargya, 87 f., 396. Benares, 380. bhuman, 81, 94, 151. bhftr bhuvah tvar, 217. body, the gross, 283 f.; the subtle, 280 ff. brahmacarin, 4 f., 367, 369 ff. Brahman, 38 ff., 75, 79, 163, 323, 335 f., 342, 359, 390, 395, 401 f., 408 f.; Brahman as unity, 85 ff.; definitions of Brahman, 87 ff.; symbols of Brahman, 99 ff., 117 f.; Brahman as being, etc., 126 ff.; as conscious- ness, 132 ff.; as bliss, 140ff.; unknowableness of Brahman, 146 ff.; Brahman and the universe, 157 ff.; Brahman as the psychical principle, 166 ff.; as personal god, 172 ff.; as creator, 180ff.; as pre- server and ruler, 202 ff.; as Pro- vidence, 211 ff.; as destroyer of the universe, 219 ff. See also atman. Brahman, ..