About the Book
Phantasmagoria is a narrative discussion written in seven cantos between a ghost (a Phantom) and a man named Tibbets. Carroll portrays the ghost as not so different from human beings. They may gibber and jangle their chains, but they, like us, simply have a job to do and that job is to haunt. Just as in our society, in ghost society there is a hierarchy and ghosts (for there are different orders of ghosts, he tells the narrator) are answerable to the King who must be addressed as "Your Royal Whiteness."One winter night, at half-past nine, Cold, tired, and cross, and muddy, I had come home, too late to dine, And supper, with cigars and wine, Was waiting in the study. There was a strangeness in the room, And Something white and wavy Was standing near me in the gloom -"MY First-but don't suppose," he said,"I'm setting you a riddle-Is-if your Victim be in bed, Don't touch the curtains at his head, But take them in the middle,"And wave them slowly in and out, While drawing them asunder;And in a minute's time, no doubt, He'll raise his head and look aboutWith eyes of wrath and wonder."And here you must on no pretenceMake the first observation.Wait for the Victim to commence: No Ghost of any common senseBegins a conversation."If he should say 'How came you here?'(The way that you began, Sir, )In such a case your course is clear-'On the bat's back, my little dear!'Is the appropriate answer."If after this he says no more, You'd best perhaps curtail yourExertions-go and shake the door, And then, if he begins to snore, You'll know the thing's a failure."By day, if he should be alone-At home or on a walk-You merely give a hollow groan, To indicate the kind of toneIn which you mean to talk."But if you find him with his friends, The thing is rather harder.In such a case success dependsOn picking up some candle-ends, Or butter, in the larder."With this you make a kind of slide(It answers best with suet), On which you must contrive to glide, And swing yourself from side to side-One soon learns how to do it."The Second tells us what is rightIn ceremonious calls: -'First burn a blue or crimson light'(A thing I quite forgot to-night), 'Then scratch the door or walls.'"I said "You'll visit here no more, If you attempt the Guy.I'll have no bonfires on my floor-And, as for scratching at the door, I'd like to see you try!""The Third was written to protectThe interests of the Victim, And tells us, as I recollect, To treat him with a grave respect, And not to contradict him.""That's plain," said I, "as Tare and Tret, To any comprehension: I only wish some Ghosts I've metWould not so constantly forgetThe maxim that you mention!""Perhaps," he said, "you first transgressedThe laws of hospitality: All Ghosts instinctively detestThe Man that fails to treat his guestWith proper cordiality."If you address a Ghost as 'Thing!'Or strike him with a hatchet, He is permitted by the KingTo drop all formal parleying-And then you're sure to catch it!"The Fourth prohibits trespassingWhere other Ghosts are quartered: And those convicted of the thing(Unless when pardoned by the King)Must instantly be slaughtered."That simply means 'be cut up small': Ghosts soon unite anew.The process scarcely hurts at all-Not more than when you 're what you call'Cut up' by a Review."The Fifth is one you may preferThat I should quote entire: -The King must be addressed as 'Sir.'This, from a simple courtier, Is all the Laws require: "But, should you wish to do the thingWith out-and-out politeness, Accost him as 'My Goblin King!And always use, in answering, The phrase 'Your Royal Whiteness!'"I'm getting rather hoarse, I fear, After so much reciting: So, if you don't object, my dear, We'll try a glass of bitt