In a highly structured and informative manner, the reader is introduced to the principles of persuasion, the difference between influence and manipulation as well as the tools and techniques used to influence.
A reader is walked through how the environment impacts brain development to help appreciate why some people may be vulnerable to manipulation while others are good influencers. Since manipulation and influence relates to interacting with people, the environment plays a significant role in how one navigates manipulation as well as influence. As expected, the book underscores the role of communication skills in accomplishing influence.
Manipulation, persuasion, naked influence, and the art of reading people's mind are concepts that will aid you in getting the end result you want to see. They all have some basic differences between them, but the similarity between them is that they are all a form of human communication. As humans, we are easily changed by what we see and listen to each day. These three concepts all involve getting another person or people to do what you want. In this book, I talked about their meaning, some modern-day examples of how they are used, and techniques you can use to successfully put them in good use.
Also, I want to congratulate you for showing an interest in a subject like this. Only a few people will want to understand the social skills involved in manipulating, persuading and influencing others. Most people are interested in learning other social skills but neglecting these arts that I have talked about. Manipulation, influencing, and persuasion manifests wherever we go: starting with spouses that are attempting to change the unpleasant behavior of their partner to a mother that is trying to convince her child to eat broccoli.
It is used by teachers who try to shape their student's mind to choose the best path of their career; leaders that motivate their followers to get involved in noble causes; and people who help others overcome hurdles, solve their problems, accept challenges, and rise above the struggles. These people are all using the art of manipulation, influence, and persuasion. This shows influence moving from one point to another in an ethical way. Remember don't hurt others in the process of using it. Always use these techniques out of respect for the other person.
This book gives a comprehensive guide on the following:
- What We Mean By Persuasion
- How The Mind Works
- How Can Mind Control Be Used To Influence And Persuade A Person
- Manipulation Techniques
- Control Secrets
- Hypnosis
- Influence Through Seduction
- Powerful Social Media Persuasion Techniques
- Neuro-Linguistic Programming
- Learn From Mistakes
- Covert Emotional Manipulation