About the Book
This collection assesses the Gulf War from a variety of social science perspectives and across several disciplines: history, international relations, economics, psychology, and law.
Contributors: Joe Stork, Ann M. Lesch, John Simpson, John Bulloch, Harvey Morris, Adel Darwish, Judith Miller, Laurie Mylroie, Clive Ponting, Peter W. Rodman, James Petras, Charles William Maynes, Hugh Miall, Peter Custers, Maarten Smeets, George Joffe, Ralph K. White, Jerrold M. Post, Christopher C. French, Christopher Greenwood, Michael J. Glennon, Michael T. Klare, Mark Kramer, David Albright, Mark Hibbs, Rune Ottosen, Louis Kriesberg, Amnesty International, Michael K. Walzer, Amin Saikal, Chris Dammers, Mary Ann Tetreault, Rashid I. Khalidi, Clovis Maksoud, Robert E. Harkavy, Bruce R. Kuniholm, Jeremy Seabrook, Amnon Kapeiiouk, Masaru Tamamoto, Jerry W. Sanders, Oliver Ramsbotham, K. Subrahmanyam, George Perkovich, John C. Olanyi, Dou Hui, Pam Solo, Thomas Risse-Kappan, Leonard V. Johnson, John W. Dower, Mohamed Nabil Fahmy, Bernard Wood, Marilyn B. Young, Bruce Russett, James S. Sutterlin, Stephen Lewis, Jim Wurst, Robert C. Johansen, and Herbert H. Blumberg.