About the Book
"Perfect Hatha Yoga (Pranayama)" book provides you the gist of most of the topics on Pranayama in detail. Anybody can practice the Hatha Yoga (Pranayama) and can make his life beautiful, healthy, happy, prosperous and blissful. This book teaches you all the techniques of concentrating on the practice of postures (Asana), Kriya, Mudra, Bandha, and breathes control (Pranayama) to energize the subtle channels (Nadi) and promotes proper diaphragmatic breathing, contributes to the ability to fill the three chambers of the lungs, from the bottom to the top, which soothes the nerves, softens the mind, aids concentration, provides a feeling of oneness with body and breath and helps to induce meditation. It Balances, relaxes, removes anxiety, soothes anxiety and stress, balances left and right hemispheres of brain, promotes clear thinking. This will make both sides of the brain balanced. Hatha Yoga gives peace of mind, calms the mind, relaxes the body, oxygenates the blood, purges the lungs of residual carbon dioxide, slows the heart rate and has a calming effect on the central nervous system. By practising Pranayama, the Kundalini life force travels the Great Axis (spinal column), rising through the chakras. It activates liver and spleen, and strengthens the subtle Prana of sight and sound, strengthens lungs, and energizes body. Anulom Vilom Pranayama improves blood circulation, calms your mind, keeps away from the heart related problems, improves function of lungs, prevents diabetes and keeps diabetes under control, removes blockage of arteries, relives stress depression and hypertension, and cures asthma, headache, migraine, neurological problems, and gastric problems. Anulom-Vilom helps to throw out toxins and cures illnesses of respiratory track, boosts the supply of oxygen and purifies blood, prevents common cold and keeps you away from all diseases. Bhastrika breaks the three knots of grandhi: (1) brahma grandhi of the muladhara; (2) vishnu grandhi of manipura; and (3) rudra grandhi of ajna chakra, which relieves inflammation of the throat, increases gastric fire, destroys phlegm, removes diseases of the nose, and cures asthma, stimulates the circulation of cerebral fluid and provides compression and decompression of the brain and heart and blood circulation. Surya Bheda creates heat in the body and counters imbalances of the vata dosha, activates and stimulates depression, low blood pressure and infertility in women. Surya Bheda delays onset of old age, or ageing, improves digestion and immunity, open up chest cavity and increase respiratory capacity, enhances body temperature, increase the heat of the body, is good for heart and respiratory system, cleanses the frontal sinuses, and hinders bodily decay and death. Agnisar pranayama improves the appetite and provides relief from chronic constipation and makes effective functioning of the digestive system, liver or kidneys. Ujjayi Pranayama is very helpful in clearing blocked arteries and regulates cholesterol. It helps in cataracts and sinus problems, Rheumatism and migraine and lowers the risk of heart attacks, prevents thyroid problems and makes voice sweet and melodious for singing profession. It improves lisping problems in children and is very helpful in Asthama problem and other respiratory and chest diseases like tuberculosis. Shitali and Shitali restore heat balance in body, alleviate psycho-somatic disorders, purify blood, and improve digestion, purify blood, quench thirst and cools body, reduce high blood pressure and help to cure acidity, indigestion and fever and also reduce the effect of poison and snake bite. Shitali cures colic, (enlarged) spleen, fever, disorders of bile, hunger, thirst, and counteracts poisons or even sarpent bite.