Silence is deadly and therefore protest and activism for social justice is a much needed phenomenon of our times in terms of Accountability, Justice and
Transparency for the injustices taking place toward the Black community and our wider sense of humanity in other parts of the world. Education in the 3 Rs
which are Reckoning, Reparations and Redeeming are crucial at this time of awakening in the Age of Aquarius an era in history when it appears as if we are
reversing in order to learn the knowledge of the past, this learning that embodied ancient wisdom.
Africa the oldest civilisation holds this wisdom of the beating heart the beat. This heart that keeps on beating despite attempts to break it or rip it out through police
brutality, trauma, racism, discrimination and inequalities. My school days growing up in London were enriching yet simultaneously filled with both overt racism and
covert racist undercurrent, that was accepted as normal, which is a reflection of the continued institutional or structural racism embedded in the system.
Especially, in housing and health where the inequalities are disproportionate to Black people and Awaab's Law highlights this. Hence, our fight for justice in the
struggle and the solidarity that is shared among us from those who care and understand the meaning of humanity. It is this aspect of our humanity that is at stake
asking to redeem the past and present legacy of suffering and crimes against humanity, around the world.
YOU are part of this awakening. Buy your copy Now!
'The photos are excellent and an important record of the Black struggles in Britain.' New Beacon Books
'The 3 RsReckoning, Reparations and Redeeming work as a powerful message throughout.' Conscious Dreams Publishing