About the Book
Sequel to "Graduation Day"; Synopsis of "Grad-Day" is: Counterpoint to "Independence Day". What if aliens don't come to conquer and blow things up, but are peaceful and wise; here to elevate humans? Grad-Day synopsis: Aliens have been secretly supervising humans for a long time. Ancient Vikings in Iceland are about to be swept away in a flood, when they're rescued from certain death by Ixnor, who explains that Ixnor wants to remain hidden from humans, until the right time. Ixnor rescues humans from certain death, only when there's no expectation that all human bodies will be found, after a disaster. Ixnor has been doing this for many years. Ixnor saves otherwise-doomed humans, and puts them "on ice" for later days, post-"Grad-Day". "Grad-Day" is the day that all humans become aware of the Ixnor and other intelligent beings in the galaxy, and the existing political order on Earth is overthrown, to eliminate war, and to put more-ethical humans and human cyborgs into power, replacing those who are simply the most ruthless in amassing political power. WHY has Ixnor been rescuing and then freezing many humans, accumulated over the ages? For use in the future, when humans become part of the process of secretly supervising and elevating other "pre-first-Grad-Day" species! There are an unknown number of "Grad-Days" facing even the more-advanced species, as they attain the "next level", and then the next. The reason WHY, is that in the future, cyborgs will have the ability to near-seamlessly link wetware to hardware, and the Earth's accumulated data will be at the tips of their neurons! What use is pure KNOWLEDGE in this context? Not as much as intuition! When one is secretly supervising a developing intelligent species, one wants to have on hand, those who have "been there, done that"! And so that's why Ixnor has been gathering the "humans on ice"... To be awoken and, in the future, if they consent... To "pay it forward" to the next species that needs secret supervision! Dave blazes the path forward, into allowing those humans who consent, to turn themselves into cyborgs. The in-the-know cyborgs are the ethically advanced ones, who can be trusted with Ixnor's secret. The not-in-the-know ones are NOT trusted with Ixnor's secret. The "new tech" as secretly supplied by Ixnor enables world-wide data gathering on who is, and who is not, ethically advanced. "Quorum sensing" among the in-the-know cyborgs finally allows "Grad-Day" to take place. World peace, finally! The meek inherit the Earth! Next, "Paying it Forward", as follows here... Humans and Ixnors (as supervised by the Myykes, from the next layer up) are the secret "space aliens" who supervise the developing bronze-age pre-Grad-Day "primitives" on the planet DoubleAll. DoubleAll is thus-named for having two entirely unrelated intelligent species, on two supercontinents, under double suns, each enslaving one another, on opposing dual supercontinents, as secretly supervised by two species of space aliens... Thus, "Double All"! The two native species are elephant-sized pilldillows, and humanoid riders. The supervising aliens do their jobs via avatars, which are capable of distant telepathy between each other, and close-range-only telepathy with the native inhabitants. Aliens need to tech-advance the natives. But even more, they need to ethically advance the natives, to shed slavery and too many wars. The alien-driven avatars DO get involved in native wars, yes. Explored here: If you're part of such an effort, do you share some of your super-power secrets with well-trusted natives? WHICH secrets? What's ethical for your use, and what's not? HOW to hide your involvements, from the historical records of the natives? What are your priorities, knowing that you can't fix it all? Slavery, war, sexism, classism, despotism, cannibalism, poverty, disease (parasites), abuse of infants and animals? Pick your priorities, you can't fix them all,