About the Book
In the summer of the year 2006, a team consisting of two men and two women discover a serum to stop the aging process for an undeterminable period. The group knows the power of their discovery: If the government or the drug industry finds the formula they will either keep the discovery secret or use it to their advantage. The group agrees to test the formula on themselves to prove that it works.
About the Author: Résumé Thomas M. Kelly EDUCATION: Mr. Kelly was born and raised in Iowa. "Once a Marine, always a Marine." ('57 - '60). He is a graduate of Orange County Community College, Middletown, NY. He attended two years at the University of California, Davis and is a graduate of Lincoln Law School, Sacramento, California. JAC Publishing, Burlington, MA, has published eight of his plays: "Mixville" (Jubal 'Tom Mix' McCabe is a happy-go-lucky, wanna-be cowboy movie star. As a youngster he was a "little Tom Mix", cleaning out a nest of imaginary outlaws.), "Extreme Unction", "The Timekeeper", "Zen and the Art of Making Par", "The Butterfly Within" (A heartwarming story of culture clash as an old Jewish gentleman and a young Korean girl discover the meaning of the rest of their lives atop a Lower East Side tenement), "Fana!", and "smile, and smile, and be a villain.", "Ba-Bang!". "The (Mis)Adventures of Charlie & Jay": a montage of four short children's plays, including "Stop Snoring, Jay! I'm Dreaming of Christmas!", "Wake Up, Jay! It's Christmas!", "This is Not our Backyard, Charlie!" and "You're in Trouble Now, Charlie!". OTHER WORKS: "Ole' Gimlet Eye" (now an e-book) is a biographical play about Major Smedley Darlington, U.S.M.C. General Butler was a man who defied the powers that were, to wage a war against war in the days before World War II: "War is a racket! I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism.", "Ba-Bang!, The Musical", "Yuyustu"(part of the 'Mixville' series), "It's'a comin' inta' bein' ", co-written by Paul Hauck, "Pádraig's Aibhistear", and "Sacred Ground"(part of the 'Mixville' series) are more recent full-length plays. E-books are available in the Apple ibookstore, Sony Reader, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Stanza, Aldiko, Palm Pilot, PalmOS, Symbian OS, Windows Mobile Pocket PC/Smartphone, desktop Windows, Macintosh and others: "Frankie and Johnny Were Schweethawts", "Liza", "Ole' Gimlet Eye", "Pawns are but Poor Men", "Save yer pennies, kids." (part of the 'Mixville' series), "Hey Mom, tell Rod...", "On the Line", with more on the way. He has written and produced many children's plays. They feature Charlie, a French Briard puppy, and Jay, a Persian Red Point feline. Mr. Kelly is the founder of the highly successful Thistle Dew Playwright's Workshop. CONTACTING THE PLAYWRIGHT: Thomas M. Kelly, 1901 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814 Email: thistledewplaywrights@yahoo.com, or thistledewtheatre@gmail.com Telephone: 916-444-8209