The total number of times the word seven appears in the Bible is 446 times. The word seven appears 355 times in the Old Testament and ninety-one times in the New Testament. If we assume that man's time on Earth is seven thousand years, and one thousand of those years under the rule of Yashua Messiah, than that would leave six thousand years from Adam to when man's rule on Earth ends.
Can we, through chronology, determine how many years we have left before man's rule on Earth comes to an end?
The following are some of the questions answered that have an impact on the chronology.
- How important was the date of Abraham's birth?
- How important was date of Isaac's birth?
- Did the four-hundred-year prophecy of affliction that Yahweh made with Abraham effect chronology?
- Did the Israelites spend all of the 430 sojourning years in the land of Egypt?
- What King was the key to determining dates from Adam to dates when Kings of house of Judah and Kings of the house of Israel reigned?
- What was the relationship of the Kings of the house of Judah to the Kings of the house of Israel?
- What was the relationship of the Kings of the house of Israel to the Kings of the house of Judah?
- When and how was the relationship of AM (from Adam) to BC (birth of Messiah) established?
Path to Salvation--Through the Holy Days
The second half of the book looks at, how the Holy Days foreshadowed new meaning, and provided a path to salvation through the sacrifice and resurrection of Yahshua Messiah. No one is guaranteed salvation.
"For there shall arise false Messiahs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect."
The apostle Paul felt that even he was not guaranteed salvation.
"But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway."
The answer to the following questions helps us to find the Path to Salvation--through the Holy Days.
How important are the real names of our Father in heaven and his son?
How important is it to keep Yahweh's laws, ways, and Sabbaths?
- How did the two most important events in the history of humankind change the meaning of the Holy Days?
- Was there a path established to salvation by these Holy Days?
- What are the requirements to have a chance at salvation?
- Which Holy Days celebration is a reward for being obedient?
- Are man's holidays and traditions acceptable to Yahweh?
These questions plus the meaning of many of the spiritual words such as grace faith, justification, and sanctification are disclosed in the book. Is the question of what is truth answered?
"Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling."