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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1921 edition. Excerpt: ...blondness depicted on the monuments. 25: 25 seq. On the Berbers see Sergi, 4, pp. 59 seq., and Topinard, 3. In regard to the Albanians, Ripley refers to their blondness, on p. 414, as follows: "The Albanian colonists, studied by Livi and Zampa in Calabria, still, after four centuries of Italian residence and intermixture, cling to many of their primitive characteristics, notably their brachy-cephaly and their relative blondness." See also Zampa, 1, and Deniker, 1, for scientific discussions of their physical characters. Giuffrida-Ruggeri gives a summary of the most recent literature on Albania. 25: 20-26: 6. See Beddoe, The Races of Britain, pp. 14, 15 and passim. 26: 18. Beddoe, 4, p. 147. 27: 1 seq. See Ripley, pp. 399-400 for a summary of observations on this point. See also Darwin, Descent of Man, pp. 340-341 and 344 seq.; and Fleure and James, p. 49. 27: 14-28: 19. Haddon, 1, p. 2; also 2; Deniker, 2, chap. II and passim. 28: 19. Davenport, passim; Ripley, passim; and any general book on anthropology. 28: 24-29: 17. Ripley, pp. 80, 81, 84,108-109,131,132, 252, 271, 307. Also see Davenport and Conklin, passim, and the notes to p. 18 of this book. 30:18-31: 8. For a very interesting discussion of this question see Conklin, 2, vol. DC, no. 6, pp. 492-6; Deniker, 2, p. 18; Haddon, 2, chap. IV; and Louis R. Sullivan, The Growth of the Nasal Bridge in Children, are other authorities. Some special studies of the nose have been made by Majer and Koperniki, Weisbach, and Olechnowicz, for which see Ripley, pp. 394-395. Jacobs, pp. 23-62, is particularly good on nostrility. 31:9. Deniker, 2, p. 83. 31:13. On the shape of the foot as a racial character see Rudolf Martin, Lehrbuch der Anthropologie, pp. 317 seq.; and Beddoe, 4, pp. 245 seq.; W....