Today's date is November 16th, 2021. I am writing to you at exactly 21:51 pm. It's
pitch black outside. The only thing I have heard is two large foxes that play and fight
outside almost every night. It feels the same, but the reality is right now life isn't the
The thoughts in this book are expanded thoughts I had written over the period of
the pandemic. There are also some fictional stories based on real events. There are also
a rambling or two of words some will call poetry, but I simply call them some thoughts
I am having so I write them as I think them.
It's just a few months short of two years since this pandemic began. Even as I write
this to you the politicians can change their thinking on a daily basis. Mostly their
thinking has been specifically designed to add human fear to push compliance. If this
was ever a pandemic of health that ended a long time ago. This is now a pandemic of
power where career and salvationist politicians feel they have almost touched death,
and appear to feel they have the gift of life in their hands. They don't.
But this book isn't really about those people in control. It is about something much
bigger, something more powerful and something that directly affects you and me. That
something is an idea and how that idea like the smallest seeds can become the biggest
of trees.
I also wanted to mention that it is so easy for us all to accept what is going on, accept
the changes and go with the flow. That is appearing to be a mistake that could cost you,
me, us all dearly. These are not times to let go of what humans fought over for
millenniums. That thing is freedom to do the things we need to do to be happy free
people. Freedoms to travel the world, the freedom of choice and something as simple
as sitting in a coffee shop. Incredibly as I write to you today Austria have decided to
divide their nation into two parts. They now have two 'legal' classes of citizens. The
clean and the unclean, the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. As I edit this book Austria
have also announced that the unvaccinated will face jail if they refuse to get vaccinated
by February 1st. Can they really throw over two million citizens into jail? It looks as
though Germany is heading the same perverse way. Police can be seen everywhere
checking the papers of everyone on the streets or any location outside a private home.
This is not a time for lovers of truth and freedom to relax. If this shocking change can
happen in countries like those it might be coming to you.