Tap into ancient wisdom that opens your eyes to see your destiny and invisible realms and dimensions.
Imagine supernaturally surviving a collision with an eighteen-wheeler, coming face to face with a familiar spirit, hearing call-waiting for dreams in queue, encountering an angel on your living room sofa (reading a newspaper!), experiencing a haunted hotel room, battling shape-shifters, strange-looking inter-dimensional creatures... and more!
This 3-in-1 book shares OVER FORTY personal dreams and supernatural encounters, gives dream interpretation tools and analyses, and personalizes parables - annotated with Bible Scriptures.
An intimate God!
The God of the Bible who called Abraham His friend, met with Moses face to face to give him the Ten Commandments, and encouraged Joshua to be strong and courageous when he faced giants, also stood with Daniel in the lion's den. The same God visited His people in the flesh as Jesus Christ, poured out His Spirit in Jerusalem, was intimately involved in the lives of His people and spoke through parables, dreams and supernatural encounters.
That was then, what about now?
Have you wondered about your purpose and how to fulfill your destiny? Are you in need of answers or directions concerning an illness? An investment? Emotional stress? An important decision? Do you desire to hear God's Voice for yourself instead of relying on others? Do you want to understand and respond to your dreams? Have you, your children or loved ones been tormented by nightmares or oppressive spirits or recurring unfortunate events?
The same supernatural God is keenly interested in the things that concern you, and is speaking answers of peace. This book is perfect for:
Non-dreamers and Non-hearers:
If you are curious, you can learn to discern how, when and what God speaks. See, hear and encounter the Holy Spirit, understand when God is speaking through common dreams, the Parables of Jesus, and the roles of a prophet versus a seer.
Learn spiritual dream interpretation by deciphering God's language and symbols (a dictionary is enclosed). Understand messages about your life and destiny, years or decades in advance! Discern the spirits behind what you see and hear. Develop the character of a watchman, intercessor and friend of God!
Supernatural Encounters:
Respond effectively to dark dreams, nightmares, warning dreams, agents from other dimensions, spirit scents, lucid dreams. War against evil spirits, evict spirit strangers. Use your Spiritual armor and weapons and take charge of your sleep through spiritual warfare.
God has much to share with you!
He has promised to speak to everyone who will listen, not only through His Word and prophets, but also through parables, dreams, visions, and those random, unexplainable "coincidences" that we have all experienced. He is a God of solutions!
Why wait any longer? Take action now!