About the Book
Paper Mountains celebrates Haiku Northwest's thirteenth annual Seabeck Haiku Getaway. In October of 2020, because of the global Covid-19 pandemic, we held this gathering online, via Zoom. More than 215 participants attended from around the world, giving our weekend an extra international flair, reflected in this anthology's engaging selection of haiku and senryu by 133 poets from eight countries, 23 U.S. states, and five Canadian provinces and territories. This inclusive collection broadens our haiku community and broadens our hearts. Paper Mountains features 133 contributors: Meredith Ackroyd, Mimi Ahern, Cynthia Anderson, Marilyn Ashbaugh, Hifsa Ashraf, Shelley Baker-Gard, Chandra Bales, Roberta Beary, sidney bending, David Berger, Maxianne Berger, Cheryl Berrong, Bisshie, Henry Brann, John Budan, Susan Burch, Claire Vogel Camargo, Terran Campbell, Terry Ann Carter, Anette Chaney, Antoinette Cheung, Marion Clarke, Daphne Clifton, Susan Constable, Vera Constantineau, Priscilla Cook, elehna de sousa, Bill Deegan, June Rose Dowis, Michael Dudley, Baisali Chatterjee Dutt, Gurpreet Dutt, Marisa Fazio, Joan C. Fingon, Victor Fleming, Robert Forsythe, Mike Freiling, Terri L. French, Dianne Garcia, Marita Gargiulo, Lisa Gerlits, Sari Grandstaff, John S Green, Maureen Lanagan Haggerty, Jennifer Hambrick, Carole Harrison, Alan Harvey, Charlotte Hrenchuk, Connie Hutchison, Lakshmi Iyer, Lynne Jambor, Carol Judkins, Emily W Kane, Julie Bloss Kelsey, kjmunro, Nicholas Klacsanzky, Deborah P Kolodji, Noreen Lawlor, Michael Henry Lee, Kat Lehmann, Kristen Lindquist, Josephine LoRe, Franci Louann, Janis Albright Lukstein, Myron Lysenko, Carole MacRury, Dorothy Mahoney, Annette Makino, C. R. Manley, Shirley Marc, Seretta Martin, Dorothy Avery Matthews, Vicki McCullough, Tanya McDonald, Sarah Metzler, Aleksandra Monk, isabella mori, Ron C. Moss, Leanne Mumford, MJ Newcomer, Wendy Toth Notarnicola, Helen Ogden, Lorraine A. Padden, Tom Painting, Robin Palley, Sarah Paris, Firdaus Parvez, Jacquie Pearce, Pippa Phillips, Madhuri Pillai, Pearl Pirie, Claudia Poquoc, Marilyn Powell, m. shane pruett, Laura Quindt, Claudia Coutu Radmore, Milan Rajkumar, Kala Ramesh, Bob Redmond, Mike Rehling, Joan Marie Roberts, Jonathan Roman, Ce Rosenow, Jacob Salzer, Bona M. Santos, Kelly Sauvage, Michelle Schaefer, Judt Shrode, Kashiana Singh, Sheila Sondik, susan spooner, Carmen Sterba, Mary Stevens, Sandra St-Laurent, R. J. Swanson, Cathy Tashiro, Angela Terry, Kathleen I. Tice, Richard Tice, Christine L. Villa, Patricia Wakimoto, Diane Wallihan, Alice Wanderer, Lew Watts, Kim Weers, Michael Dylan Welch, Christine Wenk-Harrison, Scott Wiggerman, Garry Wilson, Kath Abela Wilson, Genevieve Wynand, Sharon Lynne Yee, and Sharon Young.