About the Book
The Packaging Machinery World Summary Paperback Edition provides 7 years of Historic & Current data on the market in up to 100 countries. The Aggregated market comprises of the 43 Products / Services listed. The Products / Services covered (Packaging machinery) are classified by the 5-Digit NAICS Product Codes and each Product and Services is then further defined by each 6 to 10-Digit NAICS Product Codes. In addition full Financial Data (188 items: Historic & Current Balance Sheet, Financial Margins and Ratios) Data is provided for about 100 countries. Total Market Values are given for 43 Products/Services covered, including: PACKAGING MACHINERY 1. Packaging machinery 2. Packing, packaging & bottling machinery, exc. parts 3. Cartoning, multipacking & leaflet-coupon placing machinery, exc. parts 4. Thermoforming, blister & skin machinery, incl carded display machinery, exc. parts 5. Bagging machines (pre-form opening, filling & closing; modified atmosphere laminating; & form-fill-seal machines), exc. parts 6. Bag (pre-form) opening, filling & closing machinery & systems, exc. parts 7. Vacuum, gas & other modified atmosphere laminating & bagging machines, exc. parts 8. Horizontal bag or pouch form, fill & seal machinery (performs all three functions) 9. Vertical bag or pouch form, fill & seal machinery (performs all three functions) 10. Machinery for bottling, canning, cleaning, drying bottles or containers & adhesive devices for packing, packaging & bottling; exc. parts 11. Adhesive devices for packing, packaging & bottling machinery (hot melt & cold glue), exc. parts 12. Machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers, exc. parts 13. Bottling & canning machinery (incl fillers, all types of closers & accessory equipment), exc. parts 14. Liquids & dry & viscous products filling machinery, incl by count machinery, exc. bags & parts 15. Dry products filling machinery (free & nonfree flowing), incl by count machinery, exc. bags & parts 16. Liquids & viscous products filling machinery (very heavy liquids, slurries & pumpable semisolids), exc. parts 17. Glass or plastics container or can capping, sealing & lidding machinery (excl all filling, bottling & canning machinery & parts) 18. Labeling machinery (all types of applications & methods), exc. parts 19. Coding, dating, imprinting, jet printing, marking & stamping machinery, exc. parts 20. Corrugated & solid fibre case & tray forming, loading & sealing machinery, exc. parts 21. Accumulating, collating, feeding & unscrambling machinery; & testing, inspecting, detecting, check weighing & other quality control devices; exc. parts 22. Accumulating, collating, feeding & unscrambling machinery, exc. parts 23. Testing, inspecting, detecting, check weighing & other quality control devices, exc. parts 24. Paper, film & foil wrapping machines; shrink & stretch overwrapping, banding & bundling machinery; & palletizing, depalletizing & pallet unitizing machinery for packaging applications; excl. parts 25. Paper, film & foil wrapping machines (all types, exc. shrink & stretch film equipment & parts) 26. Shrink & stretch film overwrapping, banding & bundling machinery (excl pallet unitizing & parts) 27. Palletizing, depalletizing & pallet unitizing machinery with stretch film, adhesive, or strapping, exc. parts 28. Other packing, packaging & bottling machinery or systems & combination of equipment nec, exc. parts 29. Other packing, packaging & bottling machinery or systems & combination of equipment, nec, exc. parts 30. Packing, packaging & bottling machinery, exc. parts, nsk 31. Parts for packing, packaging & bottling machinery 32. Packaging machinery, nsk, total /.. etc.