About the Book
The Oxford Handbook of Human Development and Culture provides a comprehensive synopsis of theory and research on human development, with every chapter drawing together findings from cultures around the world. This includes a focus on cultural diversity within nations, cultural change, and globalization. Expertly edited by Lene Arnett Jensen, the Handbook covers the entire lifespan from the prenatal period to old age. It delves deeply into topics such as the development of emotion, language, cognition, morality, creativity, and religion, as well as developmental contexts such as family, friends, civic institutions, school, media, and work. Written by an international group of eminent and cutting-edge experts, chapters showcase the burgeoning interdisciplinary approach to scholarship that bridges universal and cultural perspectives on human development. This "cultural-developmental approach" is a multifaceted, flexible, and dynamic way to conceptualize theory and research that is in step with the cultural and global realities of human development in the 21st century.
Table of Contents:
Part I. Development and Culture in a Global World: Overarching Issues
1. Cultural-Developmental Scholarship for a Global World: An Introduction
Lene Arnett Jensen
2. Ethical Considerations in Research on Human Development and Culture
Joan G. Miller, Namrata Goyal, and Matthew Wice
3. Human Development in Today's Globalizing World: Implications for Self and Identity
Hubert J. M. Hermans
4. Migration Within and Between Countries: Implications for Families and Acculturation
Carola Suárez-Orozco
5. Indigenous Social Science at the Intersection with Human Development: Implications for and Lessons from African Ecocultures
A. Bame Nsamenang
Part II. Birth, Infancy and Toddlerhood
6. Charting Infant Development: Milestones Along the Way
Charles Super and Sara Harkness
7. Comparative and Developmental Anthropology: Studying the Origins of Cultural Variability in Cognitive Function
Daniel B. M. Haun
8. The Emergence and Development of Language Across Cultures
Stanka Fitneva and Tomoko Matsui
9. Early Emotional Development in Cultural Perspective
Wolfgang Friedlmeier, Feyza Corapci, and Oana Benga
10. The Evolution of Attachment Theory and Cultures of Human Attachment in Infancy and Early Childhood
Gilda Morelli
11. Early Contexts of Learning: Family and Community Socialization during Infancy and Toddlerhood
Carolyn Pope Edwards, Lixin Ren, and Jill Brown
Part III. Early and Middle Childhood
12. Childhood Practices Across Cultures: Play and Household Work
Suzanne Gaskins
13. Cognition in Childhood Across Cultures
Mary Gauvain and Christina Nicolaides
14. Cultural Manifestation of Intelligence in Formal and Informal Learning Environments During Childhood
Sascha Hein, Jodi Reich, and Elena Grigorenko
15. Moral Reasoning: Developmental Emergence and Life Course Pathways Among Cultures
Lene Arnett Jensen
16. The Interaction Between Culture and the Development of Creativity
Catalina Mourgues, Baptiste Barbot, Mei Tan, and Elena Grigorenko
17. Parental Ethnotheories and the Development of Family Relationships in Early and Middle Childhood
Sara Harkness, Caroline Johnston Mavridis, Jia Ji Liu, and Charles Super
18. In and Out of the Classroom: The Intersection of Learning and Schooling across Cultural Communities
Maricela Correa-Chávez, Heather Mangione, and Kaitlin Black
19. Gender Across Cultures: Sex and Socialization in Childhood
Shagufa Kapadia and Jigishi Gala
Part IV. Adolescence
20. Leaving Childhood: The Nature and Meaning of Adolescent Transition Rituals
Alice Schlegel and Herbert Barry III
21. Adolescent Risks and Resiliences Across Cultures
Marcela Raffaelli and Maria Iturbide
22. Global Concerns in Adolescent Health with a Case Study of India
Suman Verma and Anne C. Petersen
23. Cultural Roots of Values, Morals, and Religious Orientations in Adolescent Development
Gisela Trommsdorff
24. Identity, Politics, and the Cultural Psychology of Adolescence
Phillip L. Hammack and Erin Toolis
25. Family in Adolescence: Relatedness and Autonomy Across Cultures
Cigdem Kagitcibasi and Ceren Yalin
26. Cultural Templates for Child and Adolescent Friendships
Doran French
27. Education and the Youth Phase: Patterns, Purposes, and Problems in Global Perspective
Lynne A. Chisholm
28. Child Labor: Homes, Streets, Armies, Factories, and Stores
Silvia Koller, Luciana Dutra-Thomé, Normanda Morais, Carlos Nieto, and Juliana Santana
29. Adolescent Civic Development Across Cultures
Constance Flanagan, Cynthia Lin, Helyn Luisi-Mills, Allison Sambo, and Ming Hu
Part V. Emerging and Young Adulthood
30. The Cultural Psychology of Emerging Adulthood
Jeffrey Jensen Arnett
31. The Intersection of Culture, Health, and Risk Behaviors in Emerging and Young Adults
Laura Ferrer-Wreder, Kazumi Sugimura, Kari Trost, Senel Poyrazli, Marie-Louise Klingstedt, and Sarah Thomas
32. New Media, Social Change, and Human Development from Adolescence through the Transition to Adulthood
Adriana Manago, Shu-Sha (Angela) Guan, and Patricia Greenfield
33. Social Mobility in the Transition to Adulthood: Educational Systems, Career Entry, and Individual Agency
Jutta Heckhausen and Jacob Shane
34. Work and Work Migration Within and Across Countries in Emerging and Young Adulthood
Barbara Schneider, Michael Broda, and Guan Saw
35. Love, Sex, and Marriage Across Cultures
Elaine Hatfield, Yu-Ming Mo, and Richard L. Rapson
36. Dual and Communal Parenting: Implications in Young Adulthood
Heidi Keller
37. Fathering Diversity within Societies
David W. Shwalb and Barbara J. Shwalb
Part VI. Middle and Older Adulthood
38. Cognition in Adulthood Across Cultures
Angela H. Gutchess and Aysecan Boduroglu
39. Midlife Narratives across Cultures: Decline or Pinnacle?
Usha Menon
40. Explorations in Generativity and Culture
Ed de St. Aubin and Mara Bach
41. Adult Development in Japan and the United States: Comparing Theories and Findings About Growth, Maturity, and Well-Being
Carol Ryff, Jennifer Morozink Boylan, Christopher L. Coe, Mayumi Karasawa, Norito Kawakami, Shinobu Kitayama, Chiemi Kan, Gayle D. Love, Cynthia Levine, Hazel R. Markus, Yuri Miyamoto, Jun Nakahara, Jiyoung Park
42. Community Leadership and Non-Attachment in Later Adulthood
Rachana Bhangaokar
43. Death and Bereavement in Later Adulthood: Cultural Beliefs, Behaviors, and Emotions
Paul C. Rosenblatt