About the Book
.....THE OWL OF WILLOW WOODS is a book of love and beauty, channeled from God and Angels of the Godhead over a period of thirty years. Set in story form, it depicts a young wind chime maker who comes upon an owl in a willow forest. The Owl, it turns out, is God. During their two weeks together, the boy poses some of the most common yet difficult questions people today, religious or not, are likely to ask. With the answers It gives, The Owl offers insight into Its own nature, mindset and logic, providing readers with a sense of "who" and "what" God (or Brahma or Allah) really is. While discussing a variety of widely-ranging topics and concerns, It leaves us with such an impression of "Itself"--warm and personable--as never before. ...It unveils mankind's age-old mysteries, the realm waiting for us beyond this earth, and the purpose and journey of the soul. ...It reveals the surprising truth that the Prophets, from whom our main religions originated--Buddha, Mohammed, Jesus, Confucius and Lao-tzu--were from a SINGLE SOUL, who has been evolving at its own level, lifetime to lifetime, same as anyone else. ...Most importantly, The Owl emphasizes the unity people share through God, giving us a compelling reason why we should sincerely care about one another--friend, stranger or adversary alike......The Owl or God informs the novice seeker of the miraculous powers we possess...To heal the mind and body, maintain compatible relationships, realize goals and dreams, and to reach our full potentials. Each of us is a creator of reality by what we do, say, think and feel. Because God is a Mind or a Force who fashioned everything--and being a fond nurturing parent, having made us in Its image--we too are endowed with the same creative ability. It goes on to explain the law of Love, Karma or Cause and Effect which is God's governance of that creativity. This law sees to it, one's experiences, overall, mirror his or her attitudes, conduct and treatment of others--good, bad or indifferent. So much which happens in our lives is deserved, arranged or attracted to us--not everything, certainly, but quite a lot. It is our own energy going out and coming back. Which is why it is recommended that people be mindful of any thoughts, opinions or beliefs and how we behave...To be righteous, charitable, confident, loving persons, knowing full well, whatever we do, day in and day out, we do to ourselves in the end. Also, we're advised to trust in and surrender to God who lends us Its power, grants our prayers and wishes, and instills in us inspiration and proper moral guidance. All this, so that we may make for a more contented, responsible, healthy, prosperous, compassionate life......Finally, the book is both a plea and a warning to the boy and citizens everywhere that our material plane is about to undergo a spiritual cleansing. Despite the modern conveniences and improvements science and technology have afforded us and the advances we think we are making...And regardless of the goodness there is across the continents in countless fine individuals, families and communities...Our civilization is in decline. In fact our planet is in a bit of a crisis, due to an immensely harmful psychic field of energy created by a global population today of staggering proportions. A vibration of the present magnitude with its devastating capacity is manifested physically by the negativity and godlessness of war, crime, hostility, mistrust, jealousy, corruption and greed...By the spoils of deception, prejudice, inconsideration, selfishness, hatred, gossip and conceit. As The Owl or God makes clear, any gathering of people puts itself at risk of not flourishing, of not surviving long-term when it fails to acquire a state or quality of being "humane"...When it refuses to adopt and practice worthy godlike ideals such as kindness, tolerance, forgiveness, equality, honesty, respect, giving, sharing and love.