"Todd's story is yet another amazing testimony that validates
God's kingdom and invites all to experience the same!"
Gary Keesee
Fixing the Money Thing
Overflowing Success says that anything is possible. It really is time to take your life from normal and ordinary to limitless and extraordinary! Discover that your success was already paid for 2,000 years ago on the cross. You no longer need to be a slave to this world and it's system of living. You can be free to finally become all you were created to be!
God wants you to succeed in each and every area of your life - even more than you want to. At the cross Jesus provided a way to this success that you couldn't provide for yourself. Stop struggling through your own self-effort. God's Kingdom provides supernatural opportunities, ideas, protection, favor, divine appointments and overwhelming blessing. God's grace returns you to a state of complete wholeness. It's time for you to overcome seemingly impossible situations and begin to reign in life!
Do you need success in any area of your life? Would you like to finally get out of debt? Are you seeking better relationships? Would you like to have a paid off home mortgage? Are you hoping to welcome home a new baby? Are you wanting to reach your destiny?
Overflowing Success shows you a new way of living! A life free of stress and worry! A life blessed and overflowing with God's goodness! A life filled with abundance! A life you were created to enjoy! A life where everything is possible!
If you enjoy Joseph Prince and his books Destined to Reign and Unmerited Favor, Gary Keesee's Fixing the Money Thing or Bill Winston's The Kingdom of God in You, this book is for you. Other influences that helped shape this book include John Sheasby, Bill Johnson, Kim Clement, Brenda Kunneman, Harold Hill and Sid Roth.
What are you looking for in life? Success? Health? Prosperity? Better Relationships? Have you felt these things were always just beyond your grasp? See what has been holding you back. Let's unlock the truth. It's time to transform your life.
Overflowing Success awakens you to an entirely new way of living where you get to enjoy supernatural favor and blessing. It takes your life on an amazing journey in a completely new direction. Not one of stress and striving, but of rest. Specifically resting in Jesus' finished work at the cross.
This isn't a religious message of do's and don'ts. This is a message of fullness of life - where God is present and active in your daily living! God's Kingdom is more valuable than any self-help system out there and you'll be delighted with the results! Dare to dream again about the amazing possibilities for your life. Your destiny finally comes into view.
God's Kingdom is superior in every way to the normal way of living which is concerned with just surviving. Stop feeling stuck. When you finally understand Overflowing Success things will change dramatically. Paying off your mortgage in just one year is not impossible. Becoming pregnant after struggling for years to conceive is not impossible. Learn to face the giants in your life head-on. Be sure to check out the "look inside" feature by clicking the top of the book cover to learn more about Overflowing Success. Start enjoying your uniqueness and all you were created to be. Now is the time to become the real you.