Are you the one who has lots of business ideas but can't start the business due to several reasons?Do you think you are the only one who has a fear of starting a business or take any new challenges in your life? Of course not!
Though all the reasons seem very reasonable to you, actually all those are your fears!
What if you will get to know all the fears related to start a business and know how to face your fears and overcome the same? You have to face the fears and learn how to overcome them, and start your dream startup.
Overcome fear and launch your startup book will help you conquer your fear and guide you to start and grow your business.
"Whether you think you can, or think you can't - you're right." - Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company
Most of us quit, before even starting the business, Why?
We all have many fears, which stopped us from taking the first leap. The type of fear may vary from person to person, but it is "The Fear" that always restrain us from doing anything unconventional.
In this book, I tried to mention most of the fears and how you can overcome fear. How to start your business right from idea generation to business registration to partner selection, everything is discussed. The Marketing, Finance, HR, Systems, Fundraising, Business plan are the critical steps for a business. The tips are given on how to implement your dream business successfully. This book can be used as a start business planner.
Go and grab it now! Take the one step towards your startup journey.