"Other's Journeys" is a creative fictional literary novel covering twists and turns surrounding a Canadian family, the O'Flahertys, in Canada's east coast picture province, New Brunswick, spanning forty-eight years, 1968 to 2016.
Subtitled Book One, comparisons between the distant and recent past are brought to light as readers are exposed to things like the unique handling of their mixed marriage, societal changes and Eleanor O'Flaherty's struggle against the pitfalls of abortion.
Their daughter Beverley, recently widowed and mother of two young children, is beset with problems; heartbreak and suspense wear on her until someone special comes into her life.
Stanley O'Flaherty is afforded, through a sad, yet fortuitous event in his life, an opportunity to provide his bride-to-be with one of the most unique wedding receptions ever held in Eleanor's home town, Antigonish, Nova Scotia.
Mealtime discussions were popular at the O'Flaherty home; they were as common as cups and forks at the table, covering a wide variety of table topics, teasing and tickling the reader's appetite.
The full scope of family life, Canadian style, are covered in the story, things like romance, suspense, Acadian and Irish history, Heaven, angels, politics, cooking and hockey.
All these and more, are served-up, providing food for some flavourable, thought-provoking reading.