Holistic osteopathic healthcare, treating the mind, body, and spirit, is a fast-growing area of medicine. Many individuals have discovered that manipulative medicine is a successful approach to treating a range of conditions and injuries. Human bodies have the extraordinary capability to heal. With a whole-person, lifelong approach to knowing and understanding patients, osteopathic medicine offers superb care focused less on medicines and surgeries and more on healing mechanisms, nutrition, exercise, and wellness.
Today, 26% of all medical students attend an osteopathic medical school and 11% of all physicians participate in osteopathic medicine. Most osteopathic physicians focus on primary care. However, many are now choosing specialties like emergency medicine, OBGYN, and anesthesiology. With an increasing need, a growing profession, and new osteopathic medical schools opening, you may find this avenue particularly appealing.
This one-of-a-kind book offers you information and resources covering the 37 accredited U.S. osteopathic medical schools in their 58 locations. This handy guide is organized, thorough, and easy to follow, providing complete information on the schools to which you may apply. School lists, organized by various criteria, are provided in the back of the book. A companion book, Osteopathic Medical School: Preparation, Application, Admission, goes along with this book that contains information describing the planning, testing, organization, and admissions process, which is also extremely useful. This book focuses on osteopathic medical school profiles, including costs, tidbits, lists, locations, opportunities, and admissions statistics and requirements.