An untested queen. A prophesied galactic war. A forbidden love.
The future of the universe hangs in the balance as a queen and a knight's worlds intertwine, and an illicit romance sparks, defying the sacred Celestial Creed.
Elzaria stands at the cusp of destiny or devastation. On the eve of her coronation, ominous visions of irreversible doom torment the distraught Empyrean princess. Uncertain of her abilities to lead her people, she contemplates the unthinkablerefusing her reign.
Yet, destiny isn't something easily evaded, as she soon learns. Fate has other plans when her attempt to run is foiled by an honor-bound knight... and his impulsive kiss.
When secrets are the currency of survival, Elzaria forges a fake identity, diving headfirst into the testosterone-fueled domain of the Empyrean Knights. Unprotected, unaided, and unrecognized, she faces the same brutal challenges as every other recruit. Her goal? To prove she's more than just entitled.
Origin, the first book in the All is Fair in Love and Galactic War series, is a thrilling blend of interstellar politics, epic battles, and star-crossed romance. If you like strong heroines, complex and gripping relationships, and captivating world-building, then you'll be addicted to Lori Lind's galactic adventures.
Buy Origin to untangle the web of deceptions today!