Do you want to experience true awakening in your church? You cannot lead others to a place you have never been.
Pastor Jerry Smith needs a vacation. Exhausted after finishing up an ambitious building program, he plans a family trip and personal sabbatical. However, he struggles to enjoy himself as his anger and control issues affect his relationships with his family, his ministry, and God.
But God has a different plan for Jerry-a plan to put an ordinary husband, father, and pastor on a supernatural journey of repentance, healing, and awakening. It's a step-by-step process of prayer and obedience that leads to a revival more profound than anything Jerry could have imagined.
Discover how your church can hunger for, prepare for, and steward the revival that is coming before Christ returns for His Bride.
About the Author: Clay Watts has worked in information technology for over forty-five years as a programmer, business analyst, manager, and process consultant. He has been a deacon, board member, and teacher in the areas of End Times and restoring relationships. His wife, Kathy, holds a doctorate in education and is an adjunct professor at a Christian university.
Clay and Kathy live in Dallas, Texas, and have four children and twelve grandchildren. They have served in various capacities at a number of large and small churches.