Tired of losing money with trading? Struggling to protect your investments and your funds? Or do you dream to make money while sitting at home?
The idea of being a trader strikes fear into many people's hearts. The number of things you need to understand, including technical strategies, money management, and so on makes the learning curve extremely steep.
However, you don't have to waste your precious time watching all those tutorials with the so-called "trade market gurus" or spend endless hours searching the internet!
The solution is a complete guide made by professionals, that will explain the basics of trading and how to do it for a living in 2020. Options trading allows you to trade stocks without having a lot of upfront capital, and with far lower risk. Yet it gives you the possibility to earn tons of money with a process that is pretty straight forward. And that's what you'll learn in this Collection!
The major goal of this book is simple: make you successful in Swing Trading and Options Trading with proven and practical strategies that professional traders use.
You will learn:
- 5 Causes why Most Traders Lose Money (Don' Start Trading Until You Read This)
- What is an Option and how to Buy and Sell it with Profit
- How Swing Trading Differs from Standard "Buy and Hold" Investing
- 5 Ultra-Profitable Stocks you Should Start Trade Today
- Simple Strategies to Find the Best Stocks
- How Professional Traders Read Stock Charts and Spot Trends Before Anyone Else
- How You Can Earn Even More Money when the Market is Crashing
- Risk Management: How to Greatly Cuts Down on Losses
- Trusted Brokers to Get Started
- 5 Proven Trading Strategies to Apply Now
Many people wonder if it's too late to get in on the markets. With options, since you can profit from stocks moving up, stocks moving down, or stocks moving sideways, it's never too late.
If you want to become a trader and earn passive income by trading options, This Collection is exactly what you are looking for. Even if you are not familiar with charts, tables, and financial instruments, by following the instructions of this book, you can start earning money right away.
Instead of just telling you to do something, we provide practical, actions, and techniques that can create a large and lasting source of income.
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Get this book now to become a successful trader!