How Did AL Gore Change World Opinion About Climate Change?
Gore did something truly unique: he hired OPINION LEADERS to spread the word. He knew that OPINION LEADERS provide free word-of-mouth advertising that is unparalleled in terms of influencing and persuading consumers.
Most consumers view OPINION LEADERS as honest, objective, sincere, and truthful sources of information. Because of this perception, OPINION LEADERS can influence what we buy, how we dress, who we vote for, what doctors we go to, as well as movies we choose to see, books we read, attitudes we have about climate change, and so on.
Despite this importance, however, marketers and advertisers have faced significant obstacles when it comes to employing OPINION LEADERSHIP in the promotion of their products and services.
OPINION LEADERSHIP: THE POWER OF WORD-OF-MOUTH PERSUASION AND INFLUENCE is the first book that explores the major problems that have plagued the promotional use of OPINION LEADERSHIP today. The book demonstrates that the most commonly used self-report measures of OPINION LEADERSHIP, which rely on memory and recall, ultimately fail to identify who OPINION LEADERS are, because such scales are notoriously prone to error and inaccuracy.
The book introduces THE PERSONAL CONSTRUCT THEORY OF OPINION LEADERSHIP, the world's first comprehensive and reliable explanation of OPINION LEADERSHIP that not only identifies who opinion leaders are, but also predicts who they will be. Equally important, book introduces a powerful personality-based measure of OPINION LEADERSHIP with a 95% accuracy.
For marketers and advertisers, OPINON LEADERSHIP: The Power of Word-of-Mouth Influence and Persuasion is a treasure trove of information that shows us how to harness the persuasive power and influence of opinion leaders in order to drive consumer sales.
As always, your comments are welcomed by the author in order to improve future editions of this ground-breaking work on OPINION LEADERSHIP.
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