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Ophthalmology for Undergraduates

Ophthalmology for Undergraduates



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About the Book

• Comprehensive, concise, easy-to-read book for undergraduate medical students.
• Describes the clinical features and management of common eye ailments in a simple language.
• The text is divided into 12 sections, beginning with Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye, Refraction, Examination of the Eye, followed by Diseases of the Eye, Diseases of the Adnexa, Disorders of ocular Motility, Ophthalmic Surgeries, Pharmacology, Neuro-ophthalmology, Systemic Diseases and the Eye, Community Ophthalmology, and MCQs.
• Contains plenty of clinical photographs to enhance understanding of various ocular diseases.
• Symptoms of Diseases, tables and important clinical points have been highlighted in boxes.
• Includes a dedicated chapter on Ophthalmic Microsurgical Instruments, such as Speculum, Forceps, Holders, Surgical Blades, Lens Spatula, Cannula, Needles and Sutures used in Ophthalmology, etc.
• Includes multiple choice questions (MCQs) with answers at the end of the book for undergraduates and postgraduate entrance examinations.
• Ocular manifestations of common systemic conditions as well as ocular side effects of systemically administered drugs are also given.
• This book is not only a useful textbook for undergraduate students, but also a useful reference book for the general practitioners and physicians.

About the Author

PS Girija Devi MS DO DNB

Table of Contents:
Section 1 Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye 1 Development of the Eye........................Girija Devi PS, Umesan KG Stages of Development Development of Different Parts of Eye...3 2 Anatomy of Eyelids Girija Devi PS Canthi or Angles Structure of Eyelid Glands in Eyelid.. Innervation of Eyelid Muscles of Palpebral Region Conjunctiva 3 Anatomy of the Orbit Girija Devi PS Dimensions Orbital MarginOrbital Walls Superior Orbital Fissure Optic Canal Inferior Orbital Fissure Nasolacrimal Canal..........................................................................................................................................................16 Orbital Septum Orbital Fat Extraocular Muscles and Annulus of Zinn Vasculature of Orbit and Eye Nerves 4 Anatomy of the Eyeball Girija Devi PS, Umesan KG Outer Coat Tenon’s Capsule (Fascia Bulbi)................................................................................................... Middle Coat Innermost Coat or the Nervous LayerLens 5 Anatomy and Physiology of Extraocular Muscles Anitha Balachandran, Girija Devi PS Anatomy and Physiology 4 6 Physiology of Eye Girija Devi PS, Lakshmi G Corneal Transparency Physiology of Tear Film Physiology of Aqueous Physiology of Vision Electrophysiological Test Neurology of Vision.. Theories of Color VisionBinocular Single Vision ..................................................................................................................................................35 Pupillary Reflexes Section 2 Refraction 7 Basic Principles of Optics Girija Devi PS Absorption, Reflection or Refraction Notation of Lens. Detection and Measurement of Lens................................ 8 Basic Optics of the Eye Girija Devi PS Reduced Eye Physiological Optical Defects 9 Visual Functions and its Evaluation.....................................................................................53 Girija Devi PS Visual Acuity Contrast Sensitivity and Glare Color Vision Field of Vision.. Dark Adaptation... 10 Refractive Errors Girija Devi PS Types of Refractive Errors Causes of Refractive Errors Hypermetropia... Myopia Astigmatism.... Anisometropia. Amblyopia 11 Objective Method of Refraction Girija Devi PS Retinoscopy 12 Accommodation and its Anomalies Girija Devi PS Mechanism of Accommodation Section 3 Examination of the Eye 13 Clinical Examination of the Eye Girija Devi PS, Sunil History Taking Diseases of the Anterior Segment Instruments Used in the Clinical Examination of the Eye Basic Investigations. Section 4 Diseases of the Eye 14 Conjunctiva ...........................................................................................................................95 Girija Devi PS Parts of the Conjunctiva..... Anatomy Color of Conjunctiva... Bacteriology Normal Flora of Conjunctival Sac Healing of Conjunctival Wounds Pathological Changes in the Conjunctiva Infective Type of Conjunctivitis Viral Conjunctivitis. Bacterial Conjunctivitis........... Chlamydial Infections... Parasitic Infection Non-infective Type of Conjunctivitis Degenerative Conditions of Conjunctiva Concretions Pinguecula Pterygium Cysts and Tumors of the Conjunctiva Cysts of the Conjunctiva Congenital Tumors.. Acquired Tumors..... 15 Cornea Girija Devi PS Anatomy and Physiology..... Examination of Cornea Common Corneal Lesions Infective Keratitis.. Bacterial Hypersensitivity-mediated Corneal Disease Other Types of Keratitis. Corneal Dystrophies..... Corneal Degenerations....... Corneal Ectasias... Congenital Anomalies of Cornea Contact Lenses.. 16 Sclera Girija Devi PS, Lekshmi H Anatomy and Physiology..... Inflammation of Sclera..... Scleritis in Specific Inflammatory Diseases 17 Uvea Girija Devi PS, Kanchana Anatomy and Physiology Congenital Anomalies of Uveal Tract Uveitis........... Acute Anterior Uveitis. Chronic Anterior Uveitis Investigations in Uveitis Treatment Intermediate Uveitis........ Posterior Uveitis.. Infectious Uveitis.... Purulent Uveitis, Endophthalmitis and Panophthalmitis Non-infectious Uveitis. Uveitis of Unknown Causes Uveitis in Children Degenerative Changes in Uvea 18 Lens Girija Devi PS Applied Anatomy......... Biochemistry Pathology Congenital Anomalies Cataract Displacement of the lens or Ectopia Lentis 19 Vitreous ............... Girija Devi PS Anatomy Normal Age ChangesPathological Changes 20 Retina Biju John, Girija Devi PS, Mahadevan, Pappa P Anatomy Physiology....... Examination of the Fundus Common Investigations.... Vascular Retinopathies..... Acquired Macular DisordersRetinal Detachment. Hereditary Retinal and Choroidal DystrophiesLasers and Cryotherapy in Ophthalmology 21 Glaucoma Girija Devi PS, Susan Philip, Thomas George T Classification Primary Open-angle Glaucoma Primary Angle-closure Glaucoma Congenital and Developmental Glaucoma Classification..... Primary Congenital Glaucoma Clinical Features Pathogenesis.... Management.... Developmental Glaucoma Secondary Glaucoma. 22 Intraocular Tumors Girija Devi PS Tumors of Uveal Tract.......... Tumors of Iris Ciliary Body Tumors.... Tumors of Choroid Tumors of Retina Retinoblastoma.. Retinal Astrocytoma Retinal Hemangioma Primary Intraocular Lymphoma 23 Ocular Trauma Girija Devi PS, Jasmin LB Chemical Injuries.. Mechanical Injuries.. Effects of Blunt Trauma on the Eye Ciliary Body..... Traumatic Hyphema Concussion Effects on the Lens and Zonule Concussion Effects on the Retina Contusion Effects on the Choroid. Concussion Effects at the Optic Disk Concussion Effects on Refraction Traumatic Glaucoma Extraocular Foreign Bodies Traumatic Endophthalmitis Fractures of the Orbit Traumatic Optic Neuropathy Sympathetic Ophthalmia Section 5 Diseases of the Adnexa 24 Lids Girija Devi PS, Lekshmi P Moorthi Applied Anatomy Diseases of the Lids Anomalies in the Position of the Lids and Lashes Ectropion Entropion Benign and Malignant Tumors of the Lids Abnormalities of the Eyelashes Lacrimal Apparatus Girija Devi PS, Sahasranamam Anatomy Acute Dacryoadenitis. Dacryops Mikulicz’s Syndrome. Tumors Epiphora Canaliculitis Dacryocystitis Acute Dacryocystitis Chronic Dacryocystitis.. 26 Orbit Girija Devi PS, Sija S Orbit Bacterial Infections of the Orbit Fungal Infections of Orbit Parasitic Infections of Orbit Non-specific Orbital Inflammation (Orbital PseudotumorProptosis........... Orbital Neoplasms... Orbital Surgeries Section 6 Disorders of Ocular Motility 27 Strabismus Anitha Balachandran, Girija Devi PS Prefixes............... Suffixes Classification Heterophoria Concomitant Strabismus... Non-comitant or Paralytic Squint Section 7 Ophthalmic Surgeries 28 Surgery for Cataract Girija Devi PS Evolution of Cataract Surgery Couching Early Phase (Extracapsular Cataract Extraction) Cataract Modern Cataract Surgery Evaluation for Cataract Surgery Types of Cataract Surgery Visual Rehabilitation after Icce Complications of Intracapsular Cataract Extraction Extracapsular Cataract Extraction Cataract Surgery in Children Intraocular Lens Implantation in Children 29 Glaucoma Surgery Girija Devi PS, Thomas George T Preparation of Patient...... Surgical Peripheral Iridectomy Trabeculectomy Cyclodialysis Cyclodestructive Procedures Retrobulbar Alcohol Injection Surgery for Congenital Glaucoma 30 Keratoplasty and Refractive Surgeries Girija Devi PS Eye Banking Corneal Surgeries. Penetrating Keratoplasty.... Lamellar Keratoplasty Lamellar Versus Penetrating KeratoplastyRefractive Surgeries.... Refractive Surgeries Using Laser 31 Ophthalmic Microsurgical Instruments Girija Devi PS, Susan Thomas General Microsurgical Instruments Used for Ophthalmic Surgery Section 8 Pharmacology 32 Ocular Pharmacology Girija Devi PS, Sunil Antibacterials Antifungal Agents Antiviral Drugs.... NSAIDs in Ophthalmology Steroids in Ophthalmology. Common Antiglaucoma Medicines Antihistamines and Mast Cell Stabilizers Mydriatics, Cycloplegics and Miotics Artificial Tears Ocular Viscoelastic Devices Dyes Used in Ophthalmology............... 33 Effects of Various Systemic Medications on the Eye Girija Devi PS Effects of Drugs. Section 9 Neuro-ophthalmology 34 Diseases of the Optic Nerve Anuja Sathar, Girija Devi PS Anatomy Clinical Features. Diseases of the Optic Nerve Papilledema Optic Neuritis Ischemic Optic Neuropathies Optic Atrophy Congenital Anomalies. Miscellaneous.. 35 Pupillary Anomalies Girija Devi PS Abnormalities of the Pupillary Reflexes 36 Nystagmus Anuja Sathar, Girija Devi PS Causes Features............. Types Management.... Nystagmoid Movements...... 37 Neuro-ophthalmologic Features of ICSOLs Girija Devi PS Symptoms and Signs....... Non-localizing Falsely Localizing True Localizing 38 Oculomotor Nerves Girija Devi PS Ocular Motor Nerves (III, IV and VI) III Nerve Trochlear or IV Nerve....... VI Nerve (Abducent Nerve) Supranuclear Pathways for Oculomotor Control Intranuclear System or Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus 39 Migraine Anuja Sathar, Girija Devi PS Predisposing Etiopathogenesis Classification Section 10 Systemic Diseases and the Eye 40 Diabetes Mellitus Girija Devi PS Diabetic Retinopathy . Advanced Diabetic Eye Disease Clinical Features And signs of Diabetic Retinopathy Management of Diabetic Retinopathy 41 Hypertension Girija Devi PS Hypertensive Retinopathy 42 Blood Disorders Girija Devi PS Severe Anemia Leukemia Bleeding Disorders Reticuloendotheliosis....... 43 AIDS and the Eye Girija Devi PS Infection by Human Immunodeficiency Virus Anterior Segment Lesions Posterior Segment Manifestations.... 44 Eye and Acquired Connective Tissue Disorders Girija Devi PS Rheumatoid Arthritis... Spondyloarthropathies.... Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome Scleroderma Sjögren’s Syndrome Polymyositis and Dermatomyositis Relapsing Polychondritis. Vasculitis........... 45 Ocular Changes in Inborn Errors of Metabolism Girija Devi PS 46 Endocrine Diseases Girija Devi PS Thyroid Eye Disease or Graves’ Disease Hypothyroidism 47 Ocular Manifestations of Systemic Infections Girija Devi PS Endogenous Endophthalmitis........... Specific Infections with Ocular Manifestations 48 Miscellaneous Systemic Diseases Affecting the Eye Girija Devi PS Sarcoidosis Multiple Sclerosis..... Myasthenia Gravis.... Myotonic Dystrophy............ Phakomatoses. Rosacea Section 11 Community Ophthalmology 49 National Program for Control of Blindness and its Activities Girija Devi PS, Rajeevan P, Simon George Objectives of NPCB Activities of NPCB. Role of NGOs in NPCB Ophthalmology for Undergraduates 50 Vision 2020 Girija Devi PS, Simon George Vision 2020 51 Causes of Blindness Girija Devi PS, Rajeevan P Blindness in India Prevention of Blindness....... Blindness in India—The Changing Scenario 52 Low Vision Aids Girija Devi PS, Rajeevan P, Sheeba CS Causes of Low Vision Low Vision Devices Section 12 Multiple Choice Questions 53 Multiple Choice Questions Girija Devi PS Answers

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Product Details
  • ISBN-13: 9789351525820
  • Publisher: Jaypee Brothers,medical Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
  • Publisher Imprint: Jaypee
  • Edition: 1
  • No of Pages: 636
  • ISBN-10: 9351525821
  • Publisher Date: 2015
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Height: 279 mm
  • Width: 216 mm

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