Successful operations management is crucial for the efficient administration and running of any sports business, from voluntary organisations to elite professional clubs. Operations Management for Sport offers the most comprehensive and complete overview of operations management in a sporting environment currently available. Covering all aspects of operations, from facilities and amenities to events and competitions, the book paints a complete and clear picture of operations management and ties research and theory to practice in sport.
Focusing on sporting services and encompassing case studies from sports business around the world, the book examines all facets of the running of sports operations, including:
- operations strategy
- operations design
- supply and demand management
- capacity management
- legal aspects of operations
- performance management
- project management.
With chapters structured to enhance student learning and a companion website offering lecture slides and additional student resources, Operations Management for Sport is a complete introductory guide to operations management in sport. It is an essential text for any undergraduate student on a sport management course, and useful applied reading for undergraduate business students.
About the Author:
Sue Minten is a Senior Lecturer in Sport Business Management at the University of Central Lancashire, UK. Sue has taught sports management, including sports operations management, within higher education for 20 years. Prior to this she worked in sports facilities management for 5 years. She is also currently a Volunteer Director/Trustee for Burnley Leisure Trust, which oversees the management of sports and leisure facilities and services within the Burnley area in the Northwest of England. Sue is also an experienced writer having co-authored two sport management textbooks, contributed chapters to three textbooks, edited a special edition of the journal Managing Leisure and published papers in the Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education, Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology and International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching
Ingrid Griffiths is a Senior Lecturer in Sport Business Management at the University of Central Lancashire, UK. Ingrid has also been course leader for an undergraduate sport business management degree for 9 years, and currently leads the Masters Sports Business Management degree at UCLan. Ingrid has taught operations management on sport management programmes for 9 years, alongside teaching operations within health and fitness management degrees. Prior to teaching in higher education, Ingrid has 10 years of project management experience for a large public sector organisation (now known as the Canal and River Trust) and has also worked as a consultant for local authorities operationalizing canal and towpath recreational improvement projects. Ingrid has published in the internationally renowned journal Annals of Tourism Management and is currently focusing on a specialism in sports law and practice