⚠ ⚠ ⚠ Have you seen tutorials, but they are too general? Are you flooded by web pages that give you scattered information without following a logical thread? Can't you do everything you want? ⚠ ⚠ ⚠
You need this bundle!
How do I know that?
Well, we all know that the world is constantly evolving, and especially after a few months since the beginning of 2020 this change has accelerated worthy of a formula 1 car.
The doors of the online world have opened violently on the faces of many people, who, willingly or not, will have to accept this change if they want to continue their lives "normally".
The things that in the past took place in a presential form, today are done remotely, online!
So, if you are an entrepreneur, a freelancer or an employee, know that you will need this guide to be able to relate better with your contacts, patients, collaborators, suppliers, to plan goals, offer advice, solve problems, and be able to meet with them regardless of physical distance. Staying out of touch with these changes would mean being cut off from the job market.
If you are a teacher or student, know that to date, you will find many educational institutions and schools that have started using video conferencing software and applications to connect virtually with their students. Even here, not updating yourself would mean foreclosing opportunities.
At this point you are thinking: "but I don't belong to any of these categories. And even if I did, I don't need to use online in my work!"
More than 73% of the world's population lives far away from a family member or childhood friend.
A simple video call to say "Hello! I made you a surprise! How are you?" will brighten up the day of your family member or friend!
And that's where online comes into play once again!
And more concretely this bundle, composed by Zoom Meetings & Google Classroom. 2 books in 1.
In one place you can read, learn and consult as many times as you want, all the information you need to master these two apps, which are the most famous and used for video conferencing and distance learning.
It may seem trivial, but most of the time these apps hide real secrets, which if discovered, will make you use them much more convenient, fast, and intuitive!
Here's a short preview of what you will learn in this guide:
- Introduction to Google Classroom
- Introduction to Google Drive and Docs
- Getting Started for Teacher
- Getting Started for Student
- Tips for Differentiation and Tools to Use
- Demonstrations of Learning
- Things You Can Do with Google Classroom
- Organizing Students Projects
...And much more!
- Zoom Settings
- Zoom For Your Mobile Device
- Zoom Meetings and Webinars
- Change Your Background Theme
- How To Prepare For A One-To-One Meeting With Your Boss
- Invest In Good Quality Camera And Microphones
- How to Do A Zoom Meeting On The TV With Your Phone
....And So Much More!
So, what are you waiting for? Prepare yourself to become the master of online meetings in no time!
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