About the Book
Gentle, delightful, refreshing . . . One Spring Day is all of this and more. It is factual, developmentally sound, and inspiring as children ages 3-5 discover the wonder and wisdom of God through what He created. When grass begins to green and leaves appear on trees, when flowers push through the earth and chipmunks scamper about, when birds begin their mating moves and birdsong fills the air, the whole earth seems to rejoice and be filled with new life. Spring has come and with it, a whole new world of things to learn and discover. This first book in the "Knowing God" series is an introduction to spring, to wonderfully ordinary creatures found in most back yards, creatures both great and small, and to the extraordinary things they do. But best of all, it is an introduction to the understanding that God created all things, and that His creation tells us things we can know about Him: that He is good, that He loves and cares for all His creation, that He is beautiful and delights in what He created. In One Spring Day, we see many creatures, and observe the unique things they do, but we get to meet and follow, through word and original photographs, Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal, and Lovey and Dovey, two mourning doves, as they scout out a place to build their nest, fly back and forth watching for predators, and searching for the right material for their nest, We discover the unique way Dovey passes the twigs and branches to Lovey, which one actually builds the nest, finds the food and sits on the eggs. As they hatch out and grow into beautiful young doves, they eventually fly away, but Lovey and Dovey remain as the sun sinks behind the mountain bidding a glowing Good Night to One Spring Day.
About the Author: Tricia Smith, wife of 1 excellent husband, mother of 7, stepmother of 2, grandmother of 15, found herself in a new town, in a new state longing for children and grandchildren left behind. The two youngest grandchildren, only 2 at the time of the move, were still learning to navigate the English language and posed quite a challenge over the phone. Visits were infrequent and not long enough. Knowing that the Lord had moved them to Brownsboro, Alabama, for a reason, she earnestly prayed for a way to bridge the gap, to share life with the littlest ones especially. Born and raised on a farm in the rolling hills of south Middle Tennessee, Tricia remembers long walks with her mother, exploring the wonders of nature, learning to sit very still and watch birds nearby, catching lightning bugs at night as the fog from the river rolled up the hill. Hot summer days were filled with exploring, climbing every fence in sight, finding June bugs and taking them to her mom, watching in awe as she tied a string around one of their legs and then letting them buzz around overhead, picking wildflowers, and blackberries, never making it home with enough for the promised blackberry cobbler. Those childhood experiences are part of the very fiber of Tricia's being, as is her love for God. Combine them with the love and longing she has for family and you have the motivation for the books she writes. Through the years, she has earned a couple of degrees in Education, and Biblical Studies, a Master's in Christian Counseling and numerous certifications. She's taught at home, in private Christian schools, counseled, coached, worked as a behavioral specialist, and child custody evaluator. She is passionate about loving God, helping others grow, and leaving a legacy of faith, a true knowledge of God, and an understanding of His works in Creation and in America.