The Introduction....
One tiny drop of rain mingles with the
downpour - one downpour mingles with the rivers,
on to the seas, and back to the stars. Each in life
separate - while mixing together at different levels
to form newer life. As with humans, they too, have
drops of water in the inner caverns of the soul.
To follow the waters may lead to the tapping of
the internal rivers. When one dips into the sources
of the inner creativity a brief awareness state
opens onto new thresholds of aliveness. This
diminishes none of being alive as previously felt,
rather, for a moment, rises the tide level to
greater feelings of the knowledge of 'life'.
When the rivers are open and the flow of the
energy is tapped for external display in the forms
0f all arts or mental thinking, one can not recede
the waters; they come not as called upon - coming
instead, as they already exist.
My rivers have always existed, running strong,
totally illusive, beyond grasp, to be felt more
then lived. In these offerings the changing
relationships within and without have jellied the
Illusive thoughts into a mass that is actual.
It is.....For one.....The land rising from the marshes.
The marshes have always been alive with all
forms of matter and all of the elements, in primal
forms, in a stagnate media. When new fertility washes
deep in the currents of the marsh it is the basis
for 'new' land to rise and new land is the foundation
for greater being and fresher foundings for the
totality of existence. This is the 'Aliveness' of
the reflections....