Any two can leave the woods alive, but only after they murder the third...Failed sitcom writer Matty Savage would do anything to get back together with his ex-wife. After all, marrying Kimberly Savage-the hottest vampire-slaying movie star of the 1990s-was the greatest achievement of his life. A life that took a nosedive after she divorced him thirteen years ago.
Their daughter, Rebecca, is a twenty-three-year-old personal trainer in financial trouble. A loan from her millionaire mother is all she needs to put her life on track, but the scar slashed across her face is an ever-present reminder of why she turned her back on her parents forever.
When an aging, sentimental Kimberly invites her estranged family for a getaway at her secret cabin in the mountains, Matty hopes their reunion will open her heart. Rebecca just hopes it'll open her checkbook.
The homecoming goes from awkward to deadly when the Savages are trapped by an ancient evil with an ultimatum: Any two of them can leave the woods alive, but only after they murder the third.
As the family confronts their demons-both figuratively and literally-old grudges are rekindled and dark secrets are revealed. Tense alliances form and shatter as each person decides who's to blame for the horrors of their past. And who deserves to die for them.
Fast-paced with a twist of dark humor, One Must Kill Another is a savage family reunion.
Amazon reviewers rave:
"It's funny as hell, and has teeth. A delightful little story."
"The pacing is strong as the surprises come fast and furious."
"Imagine Stephen King writing a '90s sitcom and you're almost there, but not quite: This book is far more complex."
"A creepy-strange supernatural rabbit hole ... think Jumanji meets Stranger Things meets Hitchcock."
"Fun, exciting, and often blurt-laugh funny."
"A roller-coaster ride of humor and horror and heartbreak that is hard to compare to anything else."
Who will survive the weekend? Buy your copy and find out today!