In the New Testament, the apostle Paul conveyed Christ's command that Christian men should lead the faith ("Let your women keep silence in the churches" [1 Corinthians 14:34-35]; "Suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man" [1 Timothy 2:11-15]) and the family ("Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands" [Colossians 3:18]). In the Old Testament, Moses conveyed God's command that an Israelite man should lead the nation of Israel ("One from among thy brethren shalt thou set king over thee" [Deuteronomy 17:15]).
It is clear from the Bible that God intends for men to lead the faith, family, and nation; but never has a detailed explanation been given as to why this is the case. This book is an endeavor to provide that detailed explanation.
In 1920, American men granted women the right to vote and thereby relinquished their leadership of the nation to women. Since then, men have also relinquished their leadership of the faith and the family to women.
As a result of men relinquishing their leadership duties, the faith, family, and nation are becoming increasingly separated from God, resulting in a growing embrace of sexual immorality (homosexuality, transgenderism, pedophilia, pornography), abortion, irrational fear, Marxist ideology, Christian persecution, fatherless families, atheism, revisionist history, book burning, rioting, unmanageable debt, and so on.
God has a masculine personality; and He wants the faith, family, and nation to have the same masculine personality. This is why He commands Christian men to lead the faith, family, and nation; and this is why today's feminine leadership has separated us from God.
This growing separation between us and God is frightening and painful to experience; and it is destroying the faith, family, and nation. However, it has one benefit--it allows us to see the devastating consequences of feminine leadership.
God hates the fact that we are separated from Him, and He wants us to come back to Him. The only way to do this is to return the faith, family, and nation to masculine leadership as intended by God and commanded by the Bible.