About the Book
Editorial Reviews - Konom (18. Jahrhundert) From the Publisher Kapitel: David Hume, Adam Smith, François Quesnay, David Ricardo, John Law, Friedrich List, Jean-Baptiste Say, Jeremy Bentham, Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, Baron de L'aulne, Thomas Robert Malthus, August Friedrich Wilhelm Crome, Johann Ernst Spitzner, Johann Heinrich Jung-Stilling, Ferdinando Galiani, Johann Heinrich Gottlob Von Justi, Simon Peter Gasser, Heinrich Friedrich Von Storch, Henri de Saint-Simon, Georg Heinrich Zincken, Johann August Schlettwein, Philip Wilhelm Von Hornick, Johann Beckmann, Isaac de Pinto, Johann Karl Adam Murhard, Carl Günther Ludovici, Jobst Anton Von Hinüber, Pierre le Pesant de Boisguilbert, Niklaus Emanuel Tscharner, Guillaume-François le Trosne, Arai Hakuseki, Johann Albert Heinrich Reimarus, Even Hammer, Johann Christian Fabricius, Francis Hutcheson, Franz Joseph Bob, Philipp Ernst Lüders, Christian Friedrich Gotthard Westfeld, Friedrich Gottlieb Canzler, Paul Jacob Marperger, Pierre Samuel Du Pont de Nemours, Richard Cantillon, Francesco Maria Avellino, James Mill, Giovanni Arrivabene, Ludwig Heinrich Von Jakob, Anders Chydenius, James Denham-Steuart, John Sinclair, Vincent de Gournay, Álvaro Flórez Estrada, Samuel Engel, Christian Jakob Kraus, Robert Torrens, Niklaus Anton Kirchberger, Victor Riquetti, Thomas Tooke, John Fullarton. Aus Wikipedia. Nicht dargestellt. Auszug: David Hume (7 May 1711 - 25 August 1776) was a Scottish philosopher and historian, regarded as one of the most important figures in the history of Western philosophy and the Scottish Enlightenment. Hume is often grouped with John Locke, George Berkeley, and a handful of others as a British Empiricist. During his lifetime, Hume was more famous as a historian. His six-volume History of England was a bestseller well into the nineteenth century and the standard work on English history for many years, while his works in philosophy to which he owes his c