An extra stress-relieving adult coloring book of swear words pages!
30 hilariously funny adult swear word coloring book pages to help you relax!
Oh For F*ck Sake: adult coloring book of swear words, cuss word coloring book under 5, adult swear word coloring book, This is an Adult Coloring Books with Funny Swear Word Coloring Pages in it. that will make you laugh your f*cking ass off even more coloring this funny and cuss word coloring book under 5.
Inspired by the popularity of swear words, funny coloring books, Sweary and Sassy Patterns Adult Coloring Book is an artistic experience for those that need a little bit of extra humor, stress relief, and relaxation in their coloring pages. Over sixty pages of original, illustrated, detailed swear words pattern designs, that will be sure to make you laugh after a bad day.
This Delectable Adult Coloring Book Of Swear Words Features:
-Hand-Illustrated patterns
-Over 60 pages of funny, sweary sayings
-8.5" x 11" inch pages
- For adults only
- 30 sweary designs
- Great for all coloring mediums
- Uncensored!
Order now and start coloring the most vulgar and obscene swear words to help relieve stress! We guarantee you'll f*cking love it!
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