(FULL COLOR) The aim is to create a 21st century quick reference handbook of the essentials of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. This book hopes to acquaint potential candidates, members and leaders with a straight-forward approach of its origin and history; philosophy and purposes; degrees, teachings, symbols, regalia, jewels of office and organizational structure. But this does not aim to teach the rituals or any of its signs and passwords. This does not also aim to supplant the Code of General Laws but only to emphasize the generally accepted rules within the IOOF.
Evolving from the traditions of the English craft guilds and journeymen associations nearly 300 years ago, the Odd Fellows refers to a number of fraternal orders, friendly societies and service organizations existing in more than 30 countries today. This branch, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (IOOF), was established on April 26, 1819 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, by Thomas Wildey and four members from England. The IOOF is also known as the "Three Link Fraternity", referring to its "Triple Link Chain" symbol that represents its motto: "Friendship, Love and Truth."
Membership education and mentoring are very important prerequisites for a successful and growing non-profit organization. However, the last Odd Fellows Manual was published more than 100 years ago. In a survey study participated by exactly 2,120 members from all over North America, Latin America, Europe, Australia and Southeast Asia, majority of the respondents are in agreement that Odd Fellowship lacked the needed modern literature to educate and mentor its members. A lot about the IOOF has already changed. The focus and purposes of the organization has also evolved. The rituals, symbols, regalia and Code of General Laws have been amended and revised through the years. With modern technology, access to historical documents has also become easier. Furthermore, a lot of new evidence and modern research studies are coming out to light which calls for a need to re-visit and re-write the origins and history of Odd Fellowship. It is now easier to confirm or debunk claims written many years ago. This suggests that most of the manuals and books published many years ago have become outdated although not completely obsolete. This book is an attempt to fill that gap.
The author is a Past District Deputy Sovereign Grand Master of the IOOF. He served as Public Relations Coordinator and member of both the Communications Committee and the Revitalization Committee of the Sovereign Grand Lodge from 2012-2015. He was based at the Odd Fellows International Headquarters in North Carolina for an aggregate period of three years where he had full access and was able to read from cover-to-cover all the journals, history books, rituals, secret workings and artifacts related to the Odd Fellows. He traveled widely for more than six years to conduct research and case studies about the Odd Fellows and similar fraternal organizations; to visit hundreds of Lodges and several Grand Lodges across the United States and Canada; to read volumes of records, minutes and books; to observe meetings and degree conferrals; and to interview local, national and international leaders. He now enjoys living a secluded and peaceful life while focusing on his career. As a hobby, he writes and collects books, antiques and artifacts related to fraternal organizations, service clubs and other civic associations. With a wide range of academic backgrounds, he uses various quantitative and qualitative research methodologies in his writings. He does not rely solely on old history books and manuals written many years ago but also conducts interviews, surveys, SWOT analysis, case studies and consults research studies by academic scholars, historians, sociologists, psychologists, and lawyers. But unlike older books, the author attempts to use simple words as possible for easier understanding.