About the Book
Welcome Dear Seeker of BETTER TOOLS to combat the highly formidable (though, thankfully, tamable!) foe of OCPD. And here, to meet that need for better tools, is the world's first OCPD recovery journal and diary. It was created specifically for that rare OCPD person who possesses a genuine measure of INSIGHT into their disorder. And, consequently, this courageous person is aware that the CAUSE of his (or her) troubles resides within themselves, and not in acquaintances, friends, relatives, or colleagues. Nor does it reside in situations or circumstances, for that matter. This journal will greatly add to your (the OCPD person's) repertoire of strategies to defeat this merciless, misery-generating foe - and the 'sworn enemy' of an enjoyable, fulfilling, worthwhile, ease-of-life interaction with one's fellow-woman and -man. It has been said that 'What is NOT measured does NOT get done'. And nowhere is this more applicable than with the OCPD person who is endeavoring, yes, valiantly striving, to become free! Therefore, the above phrase may be paraphrased to read in our context: 'What OCPD actions are NOT written down will NOT be available for recall, examination, and more importantly - REMEDY.' Nor will the life lessons resident within such OCPD-person-generated unpleasant encounters be recognized, and remembered, for long. This journal, then, will serve as your 'recording instrument', an 'historical record', even a 'guidepost' documenting relationship encounters where OCPD is manifested, and in what situations it can, and must, be dealt with, IF the scourge of OCPD is ever to be conquered and overcome, once and for all. The journal format is as follows: The layout is simple, stream-lined, and highly functional. The Sections consist of: Month, Date, Year, Weekday (1 line); My Observations (8 lines); Key Thought for the Day (2 lines); Others' Ideas (4 lines); and a 'Progress over OCPD' check line, which reads: Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good, and Excellent. The page concludes with a paragraph-length Motivational Quote for the Day, or Key Liberating Insight. This journal also serves as an IDEAL COMPLEMENT to the Author's OCPD's 1st Comprehensive Key Treatment and Life Liberation Program (volume, including)- Progress Monitoring Forms: And Assists - to Photocopy and Record Daily, to Review, and to Accelerate Mastery Over OCPD. And because this illness often disrupts and diminishes the lives of so many wonderful people (both OCPD and non-OCPD people, alike) through its colleague-alienating, spousal-assaulting, and friendship destroying traits, a book such as this is indispensable for the hastening of one's Victory over OCPD, and one's subsequent emancipation from its powerful, iron-like grip. The obvious advantages, here, too, are that this journal is (1) readily recognizable due to its distinctive color-cover depiction, (2) professionally bound together for safe keeping, and (3) forms a ready addition to your OCPD in-depth library of books obtainable through New Frontier Health Research (NFHR), Inc. May you, fellow seeker of OCPD Truth, recognize the NEED, and the VALUE, such a book as this can hold for you, and may you use it to your GREAT ADVANTAGE, and to your accelerated deliverance from obsessive, compulsive, personality-disordered, anxiety-ridden living. With Every Good Health Wish, The Author P.S. Don't let the idea of keeping a daily journal intimidate you. It is not uncommon for people to be reluctant to begin this practice. Yet, once an individual establishes the HABIT of doing so, whatever discomfort or hesitancy felt, initially, simply falls away, and they actually begin to LOOK FORWARD to their daily introspective 'ritual'. Without a doubt, your investment in this mental exercise will be well worth your time, effort, and expenditure of energy, paying handsome dividends every passing day! In short, its one of the best investments in YOURSELF you could possibly make. Its a proven means to lead you t
About the Author: Mack Ethridge is a professional writer/researcher/educator, as well as a life-long psychology major, who has devoted thousands of hours to the study of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, and draws upon his first-hand observations of this disorder in action. What distinguishes his writings from others is his refreshingly holistic (inter-disciplinary) approach and profound depth of understanding regarding OCPD, which frankly, is simply not evident in other treatment regimens. The result is an attractive, readily adaptable program appealing to all personality types. He has, also, pioneered methods and techniques of how the OCPD person may best obtain Insight into their disorder, and thereby, pave the road to their recovery. Not a stranger to the medical field, Mack's talents have been utilized by one of America's best hospitals of nationally recognized excellence, and by an internationally esteemed medical reporting agency. Further, Mack has edited such prestigious periodicals as The Journal of Neurosurgery, of world-wide circulation; as well as such notable publications as The Comprehensive Survey of Doctorate Recipients, of The National Academy of Sciences fame; and, as a career editor, has received multiple commendations and awards. As a skilled communicator, he also wrote and published a world-wide newsletter, The ABP Monitor, of multiple thousand subscribers teaching them how to evaluate personal and professional business partnerships with discriminating insight and wisdom. Lastly, Mack has personally witnessed the ongoing heartache and trauma of a relative suffering from their OCPD disorder, and experienced the relationship-crippling characteristics of OCPD behaviors by this family member over a period of several years. And through this Research Report, he seeks to equip those OCPD people who suffer from this disorder with the prerequisite knowledge and tools necessary for them to progressively become free of all its detrimental, health-harming, and interpersonal relationship assaulting compulsions. Mack's first volume on this subject, Escaping Another's OCPD Tyranny -- The Ultimate Survival Guide, directed to the non-OCPD person, is now an international best seller, and he serves as private consultant to an ever-growing OCPD clientele. Mack is, also, one of the few recognized lay experts in America on this most-distressing personality disorder known as OCPD. His writings on this, and other health-related concerns, are known on three continents.