About the Book
Study Guide Advantages, Benefits and ValueCongratulations! - To you, our healthy relationship-desiring friend, RESTORED relationship-desiring friend, for your interest in, and wise decision to learn of this companion book Study Guide to the author's most popular OCPD primer book entitled 'The Relationship Restoring OCPD Fundamentals, Laying the Foundation for Your Successful Interaction and Recovery!' This Study Guide will afford you multiple benefits when used in association with The Relationship Restoring OCPD Fundamentals volume: For one thing, it will focus your attention upon the Key 'Take-A-Way' concepts you will need to remember, which will afford you the critical understanding required to successfully confront your OCPD enemy to disarm it, and then to disable it. For another thing, this Study Guide will expand upon certain passages within the Relationship Restoring volume, offering additional Insights helpful to some, who might need, and/or desire, further elaboration, examples, and discussion. And for, still, another thing, this Study Guide, being presented in a 'Question and Answer' format, will serve to make abundantly clear, the SIGNIFICANCE of what you are reading in the volume, and to reinforce those life-freeing Ideas, thereby. (Please note: This is NOT a workbook, nor is it an exercise book. It is a Reinforcement Medium and a Refresher Tool. All answers are provided directly after the questions for your IMMEDIATE grasp.) Though the Relationship Restoring book is written in plain, easily understandable, yet highly engaging language, sometimes critical ideas are overlooked: though disturbances, distraction, undisciplined thinking, poor reading habits, and/or simply fatigue. This Study Guide will serve to CIRCUMVENT these hindrances to your OCPD-freeing knowledge acquisition, and subsequently promote a more thorough, and permanently-retained, understanding. Lastly, your Study Guide can be used to review the HIGHLIGHTS of the Relationship Restoring volume, with minimal expenditure of your valuable time, when your time is at a premium, and in short supply. Therefore, with your reading, studying, and pondering these two sister books, ALTERNATELY, or together, you will derive the MAXIMAL benefit possible from them - which is The Great Benefit of your knowing these concepts - inside and out! Be strengthened, then, in your soon-to-be newly-acquired ability to successfully confront the OCPD challenge, and thereafter to go on to greater conquests over this formidable foe through more advanced knowledge made available through the author's growing library of deliverance volumes, books, and audio and Kindle versions. All serious students joining themselves to this New Frontier Health Research, Inc., RESTORATION PROJECT OUTREACH, by investing in this Study Guide, will be richly rewarded for their commitment to themselves, and for their efforts to utilize every tool available to them to break the chains of bondage that OCPD imposes upon them. (As a book whose dimensions are smaller (5 x 8 in.) than the source volume (8 1/2 x 11 in.), it can fit easily into a woman's purse or satchel, or a man's small carry-on or briefcase.) Know, too, that this Study Guide is NOT a substitute for the source Relationship Restoring volume. The latter has forty (40) additional pages of vital, indispensable knowledge not found in this abridged Guide. Get ready, now, then, for SOUND, SENSIBLE, and STRONG (fetter-breaking) teachings and techniques, and crystal-clear RE-statements of Truth, which will speed you along your way to TRULY successful Interaction - and Recovery! Be well! And Godspeed! Sincerely, Mack W. Ethridge, President, NFHR, Inc., and my committed-to-your-liberation, staff. P.S.: We, here, at New Frontier Health Research, Inc., are excited that you are taking charge of your DESTINY, which is FAR Brighter, now, that you are COURAGEOUSLY taking a stand to arm yourself with the Commanding KNOWLEDGE to deliver yourself, and to be free!