About the Book
Section 1: Nutritional components 1. Dietary proteins: functions and health benefits (Khetan Shevkani, School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Central University of Punjab Bathinda; Email: shevkani@gmail.com) 2. Fats and oils in healthy ageing and longevity (Kaustuv Bhattacharya, DuPont, Aarhus, Denmark; Email: kaustuv.bhattacharya@dupont.com) 3. Micronutrients in ageing and longevity (BozenaĆurko-Cofek, University of Rijeka, Croatia; Email: bozena.curko.cofek@medri.uniri.hr) 4. Prebiotics and probiotics in ageing and longevity (Renu Agrawal, CFTRI, Mysore, India; Email: renuagrawal46@gmail.com) 5. Nutritional hormetins in ageing and longevity (Suresh Rattan and Indra Kumar, Aarhus University, Denmark; Email: rattan@mbg.au.dk) 6. Nutritional regulation of ageing and longevity (Alexey Moskalev, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Russia; Email: amoskalev@list.ru) Section 2: Food for health 7. Animal- and plant-based food for health and longevity (AzzaSilotry Naik, Food BioSciences Department, Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ashtown, Dublin, Ireland; Email: azza.silotry8@gmail.com) 8. Fermented foods in ageing and longevity (P. Nisha, CSRI-NIIST, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India; Email: pnisha@niist.res.in) 9. Dairy foods for health and longevity (Dino Demirovic, Eurofin, Denmark and USA; Email: dino.demirovic@gmail.com) 10. Anti-inflammatory foods in ageing and longevity (Ceren Gezer, Eastern Mediterranean University, North Cyprus, Turkey; Email: gezerceren@hotmail.com) 11. Functional foods in the managementof age-associated diseases. (Amritpal Kaur, Dept of Food Science and Technology, GNDU, Amritsar, India; Email: amritft33@yahoo.co.in) 12. Foodfor brain health (Vittorio Calabrese, University of Catania, Italy; Email: calabres@unict.it) 13. Food for gut (Marina Ezcurra, School of Biosciences, University of Kent, Canterbury, NJ, UK; email: M.Ezcurra@kent.ac.uk) 14. Food for healthy ageing and longevity (Lisette de Groot, Division of Human Nutrition and Health, Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Email: lisette.degroot@wur.nl) 15. Evolutionary understanding of nutrition, food and diet. (Michael Rose and Grant Rutledge; email: michaelrose2555@gmail.com; grant.rutledge@tufts.edu) Section 3: Diet and culture 16. Ayurvedic principles of food for health (Suresh Chauhan, Ayushkam Ayurved, 25-SF, B-Block, Ranjit Avenue, Amritsar; Email: drsureshchauhan@gmail.com) 17. Mediterranean diet in ageing and longevity (TS Ghosh, APC Microbiome Ireland, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland; Email: tarini.ghosh@ucc.ie) 18. Diet according to the traditional Chinese medicine for health and longevity (Yifang Zhang, Shanhai East International Hospital, China; Email: yfztcmsh@163.com) 19. Nutraceuticals and functional foods: combining traditional wisdom with modern science (Jyoti S. Gokhle, Laxmi Ananthanarayan and SmitaLele, Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai, India; Email: dr.smita.lele@gmail.com) 20. Ketogenic diet in ageing and longevity (Misha Sakharoff, Copenhagen, Denmark; Email: misha@sakharoff.com) 21. Circadian rhythms and diet: implications for aging and longevity (Anita Jagota, University of, Hyderabad, India; Email: anitajagota01@gmail.com) 2