"Affordable and clean energy is a fundamental right," says entrepreneur Wilfried Hahn. "Without reasonably priced and clean energy, there will be no sustainable future for future generations - and that's why phasing out nuclear energy is one of the greatest mistakes we could have made."
"The exit from nuclear energy is a tremendous mistake!"
Wilfried Hahn firmly believes that nuclear energy is the energy of the future, given the advancements in nuclear technology that have mitigated past risks. While fears and ideology have portrayed nuclear energy as evil, Hahn contends that modern nuclear energy is a prerequisite for prosperity and peace.
Fear and ideology have turned nuclear energy into something evil, both in the past and present. As a result, in Germany and many other countries, we exclusively rely on renewable energies, with significant risks for our prosperity, well-being, social peace, and sustainable living.
However, nuclear power is not inherently evil - not the cancer, not the bomb, not the ticking time bomb in the repository. In its most advanced form, which is not widely known, nuclear energy is instead a rational, secure, cost-effective and sustainable means of providing the crucial energy we need.
"The nuclear energy is certainly not a dead horse!"
In his book, Hahn challenges the assertion by German Chancellor Olaf Scholz that "nuclear energy is a dead horse." Instead, he presents nuclear energy as a lively, particularly safe, affordable and clean form of energy that humanity can rely on to provide a livable future for subsequent generations. Hahn emphasizes that modern nuclear energy is vital for our well-being and peace.
"I am fundamentally optimistic about the long-term development of humanity and our future because I believe in the power of reason. However, this rational development is not automatic; it is essential for us to strive to give reason its due," writes Hahn, explaining his motivation for writing the book and advocating for nuclear energy as a committed speaker.
"Nuclear energy is the energy of the future. It is the future!"
Hahn's book, "Nuclear Now?! How can we secure prosperity and peace in the energy transition," is a personal, well-researched and passionate contribution aimed at injecting reason into the political and societal discourse on the right energy choices. As a reflective individual, successful entrepreneur and caring father and grandfather, Hahn feels a responsibility to fulfill his role.
Having led the family business "Wiha Werkzeuge GmbH" for over three decades, Hahn transformed it into a globally successful enterprise with over 1,000 employees worldwide. Since 2021, he serves as "Senior President," with his son now leading Wiha, allowing him to pursue his interests in history, technology, society, science, and education. In 2021, Hahn joined the board of Copenhagen Atomics, leveraging his successful business experience to contribute to what he views as the crucial cause of nuclear energy.