Some women feel so alone in their experience of domestic abuse
Some women struggle to figure out that their situation is domestic abuse
Some women just want their experiences to be validated
Some women are too scared to leave
Some women feel they have no choice but to stay
And Becky was one of those women.
If you've been wondering whether it was just you, whether it was all in your head, whether you were blowing things out of proportion, whether you drove him to be abusive; then you must be part of the 1.6 million women who ask themselves the same question every year.
Nothing to Hide - when control becomes out of control is a raw and honest account of mental, emotional, physical, sexual and financial abuse that Becky experienced at the hands of her boyfriend, Aaron.
Becky will take you through the rollercoaster of control and coercion that begins at a point in her life where she is independent, happy and fulfilling every dream she desires.
Feeling like she has found a piece of home in Aaron, Becky falls hard in love as her life falls apart. Thinking she knows who Aaron really is, Becky explains and excuses the red flags in favour of tirelessly trying to please him; not realising she is a victim until she is put into a very dangerous position. Pushing past the feelings of fear and helplessness, Becky needs to break away from Aaron and take her power back.
Ten years on Nothing to Hide has been born in Becky's hope that it helps provide other women in feeling less alone, feeling validated and feeling hopeful that abuse can and does come to an end; no matter how messy that ending is.