This sobriety notebook has 20 self help prompts scattered and repeated throughout to guide, inspire and keep reinforcing positive messages. They help inspire when you are staring at a blank page wondering what to write. Keep it simple, this journal can be whatever you want it to be.
Begin by setting aside 5 minutes of your day to write. Your journal doesn't have to be a long read of every thought, feeling and problem. It helps to see no one has to wait until they are a perfect person to start living their life, or to appreciate who they are. Habits may not always be flung away easily.
This handy, portable, lined recovery journal to write in is exactly what you need to enjoy the power of a self-discovery journal. It works for everything, spur of the moment thoughts, a list of things you're grateful for, and it even has a doodle page for when you cannot think of any words. Its about getting your thoughts and feelings down on paper.
Maybe you're the type of person who loves to journal, write, capture your thoughts, record events, track daily activities, make lists, count blessings, express gratitude, create goals, or engage in a conversation with yourself, you'll find this lined notebook perfect. Or maybe you know someone who would love to have this journal as a gift.
Begin by setting aside 5 minutes of your day to write. Your journal doesn't have to be a long read of every thought, feeling and problem. It helps to see no one has to wait until they are a perfect person to start living their life, or to appreciate who they are. Habits may not be flung away easily sometimes, coax a habit a step at a time.
6x9 inch small notebook journal. 301 pages. Lined.