Invitation To Readers:
As the author of this work and as a citizen of this great democracy, I want to invite you to explore
with me the amazing, expandable range of opportunities and responsibilities that
await us everyday as constituents of this young, democratic republic.
This inspired idea, this landmark experiment in democratic, self-government asks citizens
from here and everywhere to stay informed and, in the spirit of the enlightenment,
to forever embrace the path of learning and the beneficent gift of education.
In this constitutional order, established to honor the rule of law,
we the people are entrusted with great power.
Exercising this power conscientiously contributes mightily to the general welfare.
Day by day, striving together toward the realization of a more perfect union,
our common effort redounds to the benefit of all.
Here's to you, my fellow citizens! Here's to the voice of reason!
Here's to the beginning of a lasting conversation!
Let's celebrate all that unites us.
Let's pull together as one.
In word and in deed,
let's thrive.
In word and in deed,
let's evolv