A lot of Christian leaders are confused about the different interpretations of the prophecies of the Bible for the last days. They ignore the Almighty God gave many extremely remarkable details about these biblical prophecies to the prophet M. Nostradamus. The Christian leaders' confusion came because many pagan writers interpreted the M. Nostradamus' prophecies that were meant to be interpreted by the Christians.
This book, M. Nostradamus: The essential link to know important details of the biblical prophecies, is about comparing the Nostradamus' prophecies for the last days with those of the Bible. The interpretations of these prophecies, in this eye opening book, could be described as a light in the middle of the dark confusion of millions of people.
When Daniel Melendez, the author of this present book; compared the M. Nostradamus' prophecies with those Bible, he opened new horizons and ways in the comprehension of the prophecies of the Sacred Scriptures.
The Bible only mentions prophecies about the last 42 months of the beast's reign and the last seven years before the Jesus Christ's return. The prophet Nostradamus also wrote hundreds of prophecies about those seven years and hundreds of prophecies before that period. It is in those seven years period when their prophecies converge.
The prophet M. Nostradamus corroborates and adds many important details to the prophecies of the Bible. All Christians should know these important Nostradamus' prophecies.
Would you like to discover the very important M. Nostradamus' prophecies for the latter days that relate to those of the prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Joel, Amos, Jonas, the Lord Jesus Christ (chapter 24 of the book of Matthew), the apostles Paul and Peter and the apostle John (in almost the whole book of Revelation)? If your answer is yes, then you need to begin with reading this priceless book!
Discover the many wars that the first antichrist, the second antichrist and the third antichrist (the beast) will cause before the Lord's return.
In the epistle to Cesar, you will see a resume of things to come related to the Bible and how the Holy Spirit inspired the prophet, M. Nostradamus. In the epistle to HENRY, you will discover the origins of the false prophet, Babylon and the beast and much, much more.
Do you want to see a resume of things to come and how the Holy Spirit inspired the prophet M. Nostradamus? Would you like to discover the origins of the false prophet, Babylon and the beast and much more? Would you like to know the details about the coming soon invasion of east Europe by the first antichrist? If your answer is yes, then you need to read this wonderful book!
This volume of 532 pages, contains the clearest and most complete interpretations of many quatrains and presages that relate to the Bible and the letters to Cesar and HENRY (I.N.R.I). The highly researched Nostradamus' prophecies, written in this book, are nothing like you have ever seen before! Discover these Nostradamus' prophecies whose true meaning has remained hidden for more than 440 years!
The author of this present book (Daniel A Melendez) was a scientist and director of several companies whose passion for reading the Bible started since over forty years ago. He also studied the M. Nostradamus' prophecies for more than 30 years.