The purpose of this book is to tell you that there is a fire in your building and that when you go down the fire escape, you should pay special attention to the seventh platform because it is partially broken, and it could collapse; your parachute is not packed correctly, nor is it adequately secured, so it should be fixed before you jump; oil has leaked from the brake system on your car...
The account of Noah's flood was created as a kind of key for opening the understanding of the entire Bible, that is, the concepts, principles, and stages of the creation of man. Man is not yet entirely created but is in one of the stages of creation.
This key is somehow disguised by an easily noticeable, very offensive, and logical for the flood report, wholly unnecessary and redundant duplication of identical information stacked one after the other and occasionally twisted into one another. This foreshadows the next phase of creation in which something identical to it will be created within humanity yet slightly different, and it will be twisted into humanity.
There is also, characteristically and strikingly, the emphasis and repetition of specific numbers (seven and forty), which have absolutely no logical need for the account of the flood event itself. However, these numbers reveal to us...
Humanity is living a film in the filming phase, where the script has a clear beginning and end, while the action in between is determined in traces. Partial flexibility of roles is a significant characteristic of all participants in the film.
Man has deadlines, that's why there is time and its measurement, he has goals and tasks, and it is up to man whether he will deal with them, that is, whether he will fulfill what he is advised to do, for his good.