"No Regrets: The Journey," is the true story of Pepe Santos, about coming of age and redemption. A story of tragedy and survival; coming to terms with his past, removing the mask, and revealing the secrets of his life. It's a tell all book, and an inspirational story of hope and success.
For forty-five years he hid the secret of a horrific experience he had as a child, which throughout his life toured his soul, shattering his world into millions of pieces. He created this imagination of being something he was not, until he eventually became the person he imagined, while wearing the mask that imprisoned his identity. At the age of nine, he was being passed from family to family, when he found himself living alone in the back of a basement feeling lonely and lost. His uncontrollable behaviors lead him into group homes, juvenile detention, gangs, drugs, wars, broken relationships, jails and prisons.
In 1975 while in the jail shower, an inmate attempted to rape him - he caught a flashback, and in a struggle, he took hold of the guy's shank and viciously fought back until he escaped his claws, leaving him motionless. The scared teenager that walked into the jail became notorious overnight and now had to wear a new mask. The guy lived and put a contact out on him. Rumor was he is a well-known big shot drug dealer, and now Pepe had to watch his back.
In 1981 Pepe was released. NYC was popping. While at a club he got a threatening note. Immediately he knew it was about the jail incident and would not be freed until the threat was eliminated, so he goes on a mission to find the guy and end this.
Just when he thought everything was now over and he could hang up his gloves and finally let go of the street life, he is sucked back in. He goes on another mission to find his missing sister and who is behind this, when he learns she got caught-up with some Columbians smuggling enormous quantities of cocaine across the border and now sits in a foreign prison.
Overwhelmed by the lifestyle he lived, the pain he endured and battling his own demons, he turns to drugs for some comfort, but he ends up losing his soul, and now must find himself before succumbing to suicide. He goes on his last mission to get his life together for the last time.
Overcoming some of his struggles he finds success and lives out a dream of becoming a bounty hunter. Unwelcome news shortens his career and depressions set in. At his community, he notices a group of thugs selling drugs and goes out to find who these guys are but is surprised to learn of the family's political connections.
Unsatisfied with his life and struggling with his past demons, he knows, to free himself he must release his secrets and remove the mask.
In a moment of meditation, he gets a spiritual awakening and clearly understands his purpose. He takes a risk and begins drafting his story. He goes on and became a #1 Bestseller and Award-