No Bunk, Just BS (Business Sense) is not a Band Aid(R) for your business problems. It is a blueprint to achieve and maintain business success; it features 50 timely and timeless truths business school cannot teach you!
No Bunk, Just BS delivers straight talk, logical suggestions, and candid solutions for business owners, leaders, managers, and team members.
No Bunk, Just BS is easy to read, educational, and encouraging. It provides readers with insightful and mindful solutions that de-bunk impersonal and cynical attitudes and trendy jargon, and teaches and restores uncomplicated business sense, satisfaction, and success in the workplace.
No Bunk, Just BS offers readers authentic and time-tested business knowledge and proficiencies that cannot be learned in business school. This anthology consists of 5 chapters. Each chapter includes 10 sensible anecdotes and adages, mindful acknowledgements and advice, and motivating stories and quotes that are prophetic and perpetual.
The No Bunk, Just BS chapters follow a logical sequence that helps readers develop, attain, and preserve their business success. The chapters include life-long lessons and fundamental business concepts for people who have never been taught applicable business know-how and skills. For seasoned individuals who desire a refresher for their business knowledge there are constructive and practical tips.
- Grow their business
- Promote exemplary and respectful leadership
- Value and encourage exceptional employees and teamwork
- Provide extraordinary customer service and client care
- Offer excellent products and services
- Achieve and maintain success
Changes in the global economy, technology, and social media admirably compel businesses to be more aware, inclusive, and accepting of minority, racial, cultural, gender, and religious differences. However, people in many businesses have allowed inclusion and acceptance to diminish their candor, civility, compassion, customer service, client care, and commitment to employees, team members, and customers.
It's critical for a business community to re-examine how they conduct themselves. Businesses and individuals injured by economic and ethical wounds yearn for repair and healing of those injuries by learning fundamental truths about building healthy and respectful relationships with others.
People in 21st century workplaces seek genuine leadership and management who sincerely listen and respond to their basic need of appreciation for their attributes, abilities, and perspectives. No Bunk, Just BS provides practical and productive solutions to help and encourage people who crave humanity and authenticity in the workplace. No Bunk, Just BS offers readers that knowledge to achieve those goals!
The No Bunk, Just BS "retro" rhetoric and lessons for building a strong sense of community are unmistakable statements. The ethics and practices that were relevant to establish competitive and successful businesses in the mid-20th century are still valid today. Fashion, home décor, hair styles, and food may dictate fads, which temporarily capture attention, but ultimately fade out of style. No Bunk, Just BS teaches valued and valuable truths that never go out of style.