See below for English description.
Ninon est de retour! Saura-t-elle apprivoiser ses appréhensions face aux défis qui l'attendent à la rentrée scolaire? Ce magnifique album illustré par Geneviève Côté, gagnante du prix du Gouverneur général, raconte l'histoire de Ninon, unecharmante petite fille, aux prises avec les angoisses suscitées par la rentrée scolaire. Ninon s'inquiète: Saura-t-elle se fairedes amis? Comment se déroulera la première journée d'école? Elle se soucie même du réchauffement planétaire... Lorsquela journée tant redoutée arrive, Ninon se trouve une nouvelle amie et ses peurs fondent comme neige au soleil. Un album sur les pouvoirs de l'amitié, le sentiment d'appartenance et l'angoisse chez les jeunes.In the sequel to the much loved Noni Says No (Ninon dit non), Ninon returns to learn a new lesson -- how to conquer her many worries in time for the first day of school -- with delightful illustrations by the Governor General's Award-winning artist Geneviève Côté.
Ninon is nervous about playdates, and global warming, and most of all, about the first day of school. Her parents are worried too, and even her brother is a little wary. But Ninon finds a friend, someone more outgoing than herself, and discovers that through friendship, she can belong and succeed in a world that once filled her with dread. The story is a universal one about the power of friendship and belonging.
Original Title: Noni is Nervous
About the Author: Heather Hartt-Sussman a ?tudi? ? Brandeis University et ? la Sorbonne. Elle a travaill? dans divers domaines, dont le journalisme et l'?dition, et est une auteure r?put?e de livres pour enfants. Elle vit ? Toronto, en Ontario.
Genevi?ve C?t? a collabor? ? la cr?ation d'un grand nombre de livres jeunesse d'auteurs de renom, tels que Gilles Tibo, Jean Little et Danielle Simard. Elle a plus tard commenc? ? ?crire ses propres histoires. Quel ?l?phant?, publi? aux ?ditions Scholastic en 2006, est son premier album ? titre d'auteure-illustratrice. Genevi?ve cr?e aussi des illustrations ?ditoriales pour des journaux et des magazines et ses ouvres ont orn? les pages du Boston Globe, du New York Times, du Wall Street Journal et de L'Actualit?. Genevi?ve vit ? Montr?al.
Heather Hartt-Sussman was born in Montreal, graduated from Brandeis University and attended the Sorbonne. She has been a copywriter for BCP in Montreal; a reporter for the Hollywood Reporter; editor-in-chief of international news for TV Guide in French Canada, and host of The Gossip Show on E! Entertainment Television. Noni Speaks Up (Ninon tient bon) is her sixth book. Heather lives in Toronto.
Genevi?ve C?t? studied art and graphic design at Concordia University in Montreal. She has illustrated numerous books for children. She also enjoys writing her own stories: Quel ?l?phant? (What Elephant?) and Je suis l?, petit Lundi (With You Always, Little Monday) were the first books that she both wrote and illustrated. C?t?'s editorial art has appeared in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Boston Globe and other publications. Her books have received three nominations for the Governor General's Award for Illustration, one of which she went on to win. She has also won the Elizabeth Mrazik-Cleaver Award.