For a woman who won't settle for "good enough" in her marriage.
Do you understand the difference between kind and nice? What if you could appreciate the difference-and then find a way to live out that difference in your marriage?
This single concept could transform could your marriage! Are you interested?
When you find yourself in the situation where:
- you know you love him
- he's fundamentally a great guy
- but you're struggling with the distance between you and...
- it seems he just doesn't understand how hard it is for you...then
Nice to a Fault: Redefining Kindness in Marriage is the book that will give you some the language to articulate your situation, and the tools to do something about it.
If you have been unendingly nice and he just doesn't appreciate your efforts, it hurts. When you work to understand what he needs, be patient when he is busy, make sure he gets his play time and you never get yours, and he doesn't even notice-that is painful. When he loves the life the two of you have created, but you're exhausted and burnt out, you just wanna scream.
You may not be in trouble yet, but the pattern has been set--and now, unless something changes, it may be only a matter of time before the relationship is just a shell...looks good on the outside, but empty on the inside.
Carolyn Klassen, is a popular blogger, keynote and TEDx speaker and sought-after-therapist with 20 years of experience. This book is written out of her many years of work with couples in therapy. She writes clearly and poignantly about the pain women experience when their husbands hear their concerns without really "getting it". Nice to a fault: Redefining Kindness in Marriage will support and encourage you to take steps to create important shifts that simply cannot be ignored.
Klassen gives clear understanding, practical tools, and deep compassion needed to find the motivation to say, "I matter in this marriage too, and it absolutely needs to start working better for me." Klassen writes to wives who know their marriage is slowly deteriorating, and their husbands are oblivious. There are a lot of guys that are fantastic men, but don't realize that they are actually not-so-great in being husbands.
Practical, inspiring, and supportive, this book creates a different space to ensure that you can make positive changes in your marriage.
Ironically, and also beautifully--when you are happier, your husband will be too!