MAILMEN, 1857-1865
George Chorpenning, [1871], Mail service
Anonymous, 1857, Location of the overland mail
Bradley B. Meeker, 1858, Mail route, L. Superior to Puget's Sound
Isaiah C. Woods, 1858, Overland mail, Texas - California
John Butterfield, 1858, Overland Mail Co., time schedule no. 1
John Butterfield, 1859, Overland Mail Co., time schedule no. 2
William Tallack, 1865, California overland express
Ben Holladay, 1860, Central Overland Express Company
Ben Holladay, 1861, Overland mail line, Missouri River & California
Robert R. Livingston, 1865, Orders, overland stage and mails
William Hartley, 1858, Description, gold regions Kansas & Nebraska
Lucian J. Eastin, 1859, Emigrants' guide to Pike's Peak
P. K. Randall (Rand & Avery), 1859, Complete guide, gold mines KS & NE
Chicago-Burlington RR, 1859, Traveler's guide, gold mines KS & NE
Alexander Majors and A. & P. Byram, 1859, Great central route, Pike's Peak
J. E. H., 1859, North Platte to gold mines
D. McGowan and George H. Hildt, 1859, Map of routes to Pike's Peak
Nebraskian and Times (Omaha), 1859, News from the mines
Samuel R. Olmstead, 1859, Gold mines of Kansas and Nebraska
E. R. Pease & W. Cole, 1859, Complete guide, gold districts of KS & NE
Ohio & Mississippi Railroad, 1859, Pike's Peak, great through line
C. N. Pratt, 1859, Pacific Railroad of Missouri to Kansas and Nebraska
Jacob W. Reed, 1859, Map and guide, Kansas gold region
Daniel Blue, 1860, Thrilling narrative of Pike's Peak gold seekers
Samuel A. Drake, 1860, Hints for emigrants to Pike's Peak
P. K. Randall, 1860, Traveller's companion
H. T. Green, 1861, Smoky Hill Expedition
William S. Rockwell, 1864, Colorado, mineral and agricultural
William H. Stevens, 1865, Field notes, crossing the prairies