WARRIORS, 1834-1865
Thompson B. Wheelock, 1834, Col. Dodge's expedition
Joel R. Poinsett, 1838, Protection of Western frontier
Anonymous, 1839, S. W. Kearny's Dragoon expedition
Joel R. Poinsett, 1840, Defence of Western frontier
Stephen W. Kearny, 1845, Summer campaign to the Rocky Mts.
Thomas Swords, 1848, Ft. Leavenworth to California
James H. Carleton, 1855, Excursion to the ruins of Abo
Randolph B. Marcy, 1858, Camp Scott to New Mexico
James H. Carleton, 1860, Massacre at Mt. Meadows
Alfred Sully, 1864, Indian expedition
John M. Chivington, 1865, To the people of Colorado...Sand Creek
John Evans, 1865, Reply re massacre of Cheyennes
John W. Wright, 1865, Chivington massacre of Cheyennes
John Ball, 1835, Geology west of Rocky Mountains
John J. Audubon, 1843, Journey to the Yellowstone
George Catlin, 1848, Catlin's notes for the emigrant
David D. Owen and Dr. John Evans, 1852, Geological survey...Nebraska
Joseph Leidy, 1858, Extinct vertebrata, Niobrara River
Ferdinand V. Hayden and Joseph Leidy, 1859, Geology of Bad Lands